Expansion tubes are the only type of ground test facility currently able to simulate high Mach number scramjet test ows. These access-to-space ow conditions are characterised by total pressures of the order of gigapascals. The University of Queensland's X2 expansion tube facility has recently been used to generate scramjet ow conditions between Mach 10-14, with total pressures up to 10 GPa. Flow conditions were relevant to a 96 kPa dynamic pressure ascent trajectory. For ground testing of sub-scale scramjet-powered vehicles, pressure-length (p-L) scaling is used in order to maintain similarity for various ight parameters, such as Reynolds number, total enthalpy, and binary reaction rates. X2 was congured to achieve test ow static pressures ...
A new expansion tube facility has been built, and is in the process of being commissioned. It has a ...
Tests of the Hyper-X scramjet engine flowpath have been conducted in the HYPULSE shock tunnel at con...
The University of Queensland (UQ) is currently developing high Mach number, high total pressure scra...
Expansion tubes are the only type of ground test facility currently able to simulate high Mach numbe...
With the high costs of flight testing, especially at hypersonic speeds, ground based facility testin...
As scramjet engine development moves toward higher and higher speeds, it will be important to contin...
Large-scale free-piston driven expansion tubes have uniquely high total pressure capabilities which ...
Although current high-enthalpy test facilities are capable of generating the correct enthalpies asso...
The accurate simulation of flow conditions encountered by aircraft is imperative to the development ...
A comparison is made between scramjet pressure data taken in two different impulse facilities, a ref...
A comparison is made between scramjet pressure data taken in two different impulse facilities, a ref...
Reports by the research staff and graduate students of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the ...
A scaling study was performed to determine the scaling laws for the performance of scramjet engines....
Future space missions, such as return from Mars, will require entry speeds of the order of 15 km/s. ...
At the present time, ground based test facilities are unable to provide data for the full range of s...
A new expansion tube facility has been built, and is in the process of being commissioned. It has a ...
Tests of the Hyper-X scramjet engine flowpath have been conducted in the HYPULSE shock tunnel at con...
The University of Queensland (UQ) is currently developing high Mach number, high total pressure scra...
Expansion tubes are the only type of ground test facility currently able to simulate high Mach numbe...
With the high costs of flight testing, especially at hypersonic speeds, ground based facility testin...
As scramjet engine development moves toward higher and higher speeds, it will be important to contin...
Large-scale free-piston driven expansion tubes have uniquely high total pressure capabilities which ...
Although current high-enthalpy test facilities are capable of generating the correct enthalpies asso...
The accurate simulation of flow conditions encountered by aircraft is imperative to the development ...
A comparison is made between scramjet pressure data taken in two different impulse facilities, a ref...
A comparison is made between scramjet pressure data taken in two different impulse facilities, a ref...
Reports by the research staff and graduate students of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the ...
A scaling study was performed to determine the scaling laws for the performance of scramjet engines....
Future space missions, such as return from Mars, will require entry speeds of the order of 15 km/s. ...
At the present time, ground based test facilities are unable to provide data for the full range of s...
A new expansion tube facility has been built, and is in the process of being commissioned. It has a ...
Tests of the Hyper-X scramjet engine flowpath have been conducted in the HYPULSE shock tunnel at con...
The University of Queensland (UQ) is currently developing high Mach number, high total pressure scra...