Examensarbetet syftar till att hitta samband mellan ytliga sprickor hos virke, i form av dimensioner och karaktärer, som dagens maskinella avsyningssystem inte klarar av. Tyngdpunkten i projektet har legat på att identifiera eventuella samband mellan verkligt djup hos sprickor och de ytliga sprickmått som kan uppmätas med automatisk avsyning av WoodEye. I huvudsak har projektets praktiska undersökningar gått ut på att bestämma sprickors ytliga dimensioner, djup, typ och position med hjälp av automatisk avsyningsutrustning (WoodEye) samt genom manuell uppmätning i ett antal itusågade sprickzoner. Det provmaterial som använts i utförda försök och som legat till grund för efterföljande sprickanalyser har varit av sådan karaktär att det kunnat ...
In the production of sawn hardwood a critical processing step is the quality grading. The grading ha...
Cracks in wood are considered to be one of the major problems for products, which have been made fro...
In 2013 the European journal of wood and wood products published an article regarding a new method t...
Examensarbetet syftar till att hitta samband mellan ytliga sprickor hos virke, i form av dimensioner...
När trä används utomhus, spelar det någon roll för åldrandet av virket hur det har sågats i förhålla...
Bearing capacity for timber parts with cracks Timber parts with cracks can be found now and then at ...
Within the timber industry the processing of sawn wood boards must be done in the right way to ensur...
The first part of this thesis deals with recognition of wood fingerprints extracted from timber surf...
The development of cracks and changes in appearance have been investigated on radial and tangential ...
Automated inspection has proven to be of great importance in increasing the quality of timber produc...
The wood industry constantly demands more and more from their suppliers. As long as there is more mo...
Detta examensarbete har gjorts på uppdrag av Rottne Industri AB och berör matarhjulens dubbinträngni...
Machine strength grading of structural timber is in general based upon statistical relationships bet...
In the production of sawn hardwood a critical processing step is the quality grading. The grading ha...
Cracks in wood are considered to be one of the major problems for products, which have been made fro...
In 2013 the European journal of wood and wood products published an article regarding a new method t...
Examensarbetet syftar till att hitta samband mellan ytliga sprickor hos virke, i form av dimensioner...
När trä används utomhus, spelar det någon roll för åldrandet av virket hur det har sågats i förhålla...
Bearing capacity for timber parts with cracks Timber parts with cracks can be found now and then at ...
Within the timber industry the processing of sawn wood boards must be done in the right way to ensur...
The first part of this thesis deals with recognition of wood fingerprints extracted from timber surf...
The development of cracks and changes in appearance have been investigated on radial and tangential ...
Automated inspection has proven to be of great importance in increasing the quality of timber produc...
The wood industry constantly demands more and more from their suppliers. As long as there is more mo...
Detta examensarbete har gjorts på uppdrag av Rottne Industri AB och berör matarhjulens dubbinträngni...
Machine strength grading of structural timber is in general based upon statistical relationships bet...
In the production of sawn hardwood a critical processing step is the quality grading. The grading ha...
Cracks in wood are considered to be one of the major problems for products, which have been made fro...
In 2013 the European journal of wood and wood products published an article regarding a new method t...