Granskning av makt och makthavare är ett av mediernas viktigaste uppdrag och i en jämställd politisk miljö bör uttalanden och ageranden bedömas utifrån lika villkor. Det för ingenting gott med sig om medierna gör en orättvis skillnad på kvinnor och män i deras rapportering om politiska skandaler. Det finns många påståenden om en genusdimension i mediernas rapportering, men relativt få vetenskapliga belägg för detta. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning det förekommer likheter och skillnader i hur nyhetsmedier rapporterar om kvinnor och män i svenska politiska skandaler samt bidra med en förståelse för förekomsten av dessa eventuella likheter och skillnader. I en kvantitativ innehållsanalys analyseras 4345 tidningsa...
Syftet med den här magisteruppsatsen är att förstå vilken roll medierna har i en demokrati genom hur...
The purpose of this study was to examine how Gävle newspapers Arbetarbladet and Gefle Dagblad produc...
In this study we have looked at medias portrayal of Margot Wallström with the ambition to explore ho...
Granskning av makt och makthavare är ett av mediernas viktigaste uppdrag och i en jämställd politisk...
The four largest newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet,...
The media today is in many ways responsible for how politics is described and of how our politicians...
Abstract Is there a special discourse surrounding female politicians in Sweden? And if so, what is t...
The aim of this paper is to describe, visualise- and analyse media\u92s discursive representations o...
As a starting point the society is more enlightened and has gained a greater awareness about the gen...
Every year politicians resign because of political scandals. The scandals are of various kinds and c...
The aim of this thesis is to achieve a deeper understanding of how media portrays politicians and ex...
In many parts of the world women are still largely underrepresented in parliaments. Sweden is howeve...
Political scandals are constantly abound in the media, rulers face the global tribunal of the mass m...
The reporting of the media will never be an exact copy of reality. Through medias way of presenting,...
There have never been more women in Norwegian politics, and never has there been as many political s...
Syftet med den här magisteruppsatsen är att förstå vilken roll medierna har i en demokrati genom hur...
The purpose of this study was to examine how Gävle newspapers Arbetarbladet and Gefle Dagblad produc...
In this study we have looked at medias portrayal of Margot Wallström with the ambition to explore ho...
Granskning av makt och makthavare är ett av mediernas viktigaste uppdrag och i en jämställd politisk...
The four largest newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet,...
The media today is in many ways responsible for how politics is described and of how our politicians...
Abstract Is there a special discourse surrounding female politicians in Sweden? And if so, what is t...
The aim of this paper is to describe, visualise- and analyse media\u92s discursive representations o...
As a starting point the society is more enlightened and has gained a greater awareness about the gen...
Every year politicians resign because of political scandals. The scandals are of various kinds and c...
The aim of this thesis is to achieve a deeper understanding of how media portrays politicians and ex...
In many parts of the world women are still largely underrepresented in parliaments. Sweden is howeve...
Political scandals are constantly abound in the media, rulers face the global tribunal of the mass m...
The reporting of the media will never be an exact copy of reality. Through medias way of presenting,...
There have never been more women in Norwegian politics, and never has there been as many political s...
Syftet med den här magisteruppsatsen är att förstå vilken roll medierna har i en demokrati genom hur...
The purpose of this study was to examine how Gävle newspapers Arbetarbladet and Gefle Dagblad produc...
In this study we have looked at medias portrayal of Margot Wallström with the ambition to explore ho...