abraham samuel goldstein (1925-2005) served as the eleventh deanof the Yale Law School during the years from 1970 to 1975. Agraduate of the City College of New York, he received an LL.B.from Yale Law School in 1949 and became a clerk for JudgeDavid L. Bazelon of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Districtof Columbia. Joining the YLS faculty in 1956, Goldstein wasnamed Sterling Professor of Law in 1975, the year he returnedto teaching after his deanship. Goldstein’s publications include The Insanity Defense (1967);The Myth of Judicial Supervision on Three Inquisitorial Systems(1977); The Passive Judiciary: Prosecutorial Discretion and theGuilty Plea (1980); as well as numerous articles on criminallaw and procedure.https://digitalcommons.law.y...