Writer: Cindy Rice, 706/542-5172, cindyh@uga.edu Contact: Amanda Reed, 678/779-5895, areed19@uga.edu Athens, Ga. - Supreme Court of Georgia Chief Justice Carol W. Hunstein will deliver the 29th Edith House Lecture at the University of Georgia School of Law on March 9 at 3:30 p.m. The event will take place in the Hatton Lovejoy Courtroom of Hirsch Hall and is free and open to the public. Hunstein will share her insights on being a woman in the judiciary and, more generally, on being a woman in the field of law during her presentation titled Women and the Law: We\u27ve Come a Long Way ... Maybe. Featured in the July 2010 ABA Journal article Tipping the Scales: How Southern Women are Remaking the Face of Justice, Hunstein was appointed to ...