February 16, 2009 Writer: Drew Bloodworth, 706/542-5172, lawprstu@uga.edu Contact: Candice Barrett, 706/491-7991, marycb@uga.edu NOTE: Due to inclement weather, this lecture was recheduled for April 9, 2009 Athens, Ga. - Felice J. Batlan, a specialist in feminist legal theory, will deliver the University of Georgia School of Law\u27s 27th Edith House Lecture. The lecture, titled Are We Our Mother\u27s Law Students?: Women\u27s Law School Experiences and an Agenda for Action, will be held March 2 at 3:30 p.m. in the Larry Walker Room of Dean Rusk Hall and is free and open to the public. An assistant professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law, Batlan teaches corporate law, securities regulation, legal history and feminist legal theor...