The Track Record on Takings Legislation: Lessons from Democracy\u27s Laboratories

  • Echeverria, John D.
  • Hansen-Young, Thekla
Publication date
June 2008
Scholarship @ GEORGETOWN LAW


This report by the Georgetown Environmental Law \u26 Policy Institute, entitled The Track Record on Takings Legislation: Lessons from Democracy\u27s Laboratories, examines the experiences of Florida, Oregon, and several other states with legislation implementing the property rights agenda. The report is the first comprehensive effort to systematically identify and evaluate the on-the-ground consequences of so-called takings compensation laws. The major findings of the report are that the takings agenda has undermined community protections by forcing a roll back of existing legal rules and/or by exerting a chilling effect on new legislative activity, special interests such as developers and timber companies have been the primary benefici...

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