Tuesday, January 25, 2000 WRITER: Blair Dorminey, European Center Director, (706) 542-7887 CONTACT: Blair Dorminey, (706) 542-7887 Distinguished Czech Jurists Visit Georgia to Study Judicial Training and Legal Education; Seminar to be Held at UGA Law School on January 28 ATHENS, Ga. -- The European Center of Georgia and the University of Georgia School of Law are jointly hosting a week-long visit by four distinguished Czech jurists beginning Monday, January 24. Their itinerary includes participation in a roundtable discussion, Central European Laws and Judicial Systems in Transition: The Case of the Czech Republic, open free to the public on Friday, January 28 from 2-5 p.m. in the law school\u27s Hatton Lovejoy Courtroom. The Czech delega...