In the context of a warped extra dimension with standard model fields in the bulk, we obtain the general flavor structure of the Higgs couplings to fermions. These couplings will be generically misaligned with respect to the fermion mass matrix, producing large and potentially dangerous flavor changing neutral currents. As recently pointed out [K. Agashe and R. Contino, arXiv:0906.1542.], a similar effect is expected from the point of view of a composite Higgs sector, which corresponds to a four-dimensional theory dual to the five-dimensional setup by the AdS/CFT correspondence. We also point out that the effect is independent of the geographical nature of the Higgs (bulk or brane localized), and specifically that it does not go away as the...
We present a class of warped extra dimensional models whose flavor violating interactions are much s...
AbstractThe processes gg→h and h→γγ are of paramount importance in the context of Higgs search at th...
There is no tree-level flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) in the standard model (SM) which conta...
In the context of a warped extra dimension with standard model fields in the bulk, we obtain the gen...
We discuss how, in the presence of higher-dimensional operators, the Standard Model (SM) fermion mas...
This thesis studies the Higgs-boson production and decay processes as well as the flavor-changing ne...
Extra dimensions have interesting consequences for flavor physics. We consider a setup where the sta...
In the context of a warped extra dimension with standard model fields in the bulk, we obtain the gen...
This review considers models with extended Higgs sectors in which there are tree-level flavor-changi...
This thesis is a study on phenomenology of beyond the Standard Model in the context of warped extra-...
The processes gg → h and h → γγ are of paramount importance in the context of Higgs search...
We consider a five dimensional model with warped geometry where the standard model fermions and gaug...
AbstractWe discuss flavor violation in large N Composite Higgs models. We focus on scenarios in whic...
Abstract: Warped extra-dimension models in which the Higgs boson is allowed to prop-agate in the bul...
We consider a five dimensional model with warped geometry where the standard model fermions and gaug...
We present a class of warped extra dimensional models whose flavor violating interactions are much s...
AbstractThe processes gg→h and h→γγ are of paramount importance in the context of Higgs search at th...
There is no tree-level flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) in the standard model (SM) which conta...
In the context of a warped extra dimension with standard model fields in the bulk, we obtain the gen...
We discuss how, in the presence of higher-dimensional operators, the Standard Model (SM) fermion mas...
This thesis studies the Higgs-boson production and decay processes as well as the flavor-changing ne...
Extra dimensions have interesting consequences for flavor physics. We consider a setup where the sta...
In the context of a warped extra dimension with standard model fields in the bulk, we obtain the gen...
This review considers models with extended Higgs sectors in which there are tree-level flavor-changi...
This thesis is a study on phenomenology of beyond the Standard Model in the context of warped extra-...
The processes gg → h and h → γγ are of paramount importance in the context of Higgs search...
We consider a five dimensional model with warped geometry where the standard model fermions and gaug...
AbstractWe discuss flavor violation in large N Composite Higgs models. We focus on scenarios in whic...
Abstract: Warped extra-dimension models in which the Higgs boson is allowed to prop-agate in the bul...
We consider a five dimensional model with warped geometry where the standard model fermions and gaug...
We present a class of warped extra dimensional models whose flavor violating interactions are much s...
AbstractThe processes gg→h and h→γγ are of paramount importance in the context of Higgs search at th...
There is no tree-level flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) in the standard model (SM) which conta...