Jean-Claude Usunier y Jörg Stolz conjuntamente editan Religions as Brands: New Perspectives on the Marketization of Religion and Spirituality obra que a lo largo de sus 218 páginas de exhaustivo análisis, explora los desafíos de la sociología de la religión poniendo en relieve las actuales condiciones del capitalismo neoliberal y la economía de la religión en el espacio globalizado (McLeod 2007). Enmarcándose siempre dentro de las discusiones entre cómo comunicar las culturas de consumo y la secularización (Stolz 2010)
For the past few decades the western world has seen a particular religious revival. Far from disappe...
Over the last twenty years, research developments in the sociology of religions may interest researc...
Neste artigo se argumenta a relevância do estudo da religiosidade popular para entender as novas for...
Jean-Claude Usunier y Jörg Stolz conjuntamente editan Religions as Brands: New Perspectives on the M...
During the twentieth century, religion has gone on the market place. Churches and religious groups a...
Jean-Claude Usunier and Jӧrg Stolz’s edited volume Religions as Brands: New Perspectives on the Mark...
RESUMO O presente trabalho se propõe fazer uma análise de categorias sociais que a primeira vista nã...
Rappel du colloque international organisé par le Département de Marketing de la Faculté des HEC et l...
Tendencias y fuerzas sociales en la configuración del campo religioso latinoamericano / Elio Masfer...
Treball final de Màster corresponent al Màster Universitari en Noves Tendències i Processos d'Innova...
Le Département de Marketing de la Faculté des HEC et l’Observatoire des Religions en Suisse de la Fa...
International audienceOver the last twenty years, research developments in the sociology of religion...
O presente trabalho se propõe fazer uma análise de categorias sociais que a primeira vista não tem p...
The present work if considers to make an analysis of social categories that the first sight does not...
International audienceOver the last twenty years, research developments in the sociology of religion...
For the past few decades the western world has seen a particular religious revival. Far from disappe...
Over the last twenty years, research developments in the sociology of religions may interest researc...
Neste artigo se argumenta a relevância do estudo da religiosidade popular para entender as novas for...
Jean-Claude Usunier y Jörg Stolz conjuntamente editan Religions as Brands: New Perspectives on the M...
During the twentieth century, religion has gone on the market place. Churches and religious groups a...
Jean-Claude Usunier and Jӧrg Stolz’s edited volume Religions as Brands: New Perspectives on the Mark...
RESUMO O presente trabalho se propõe fazer uma análise de categorias sociais que a primeira vista nã...
Rappel du colloque international organisé par le Département de Marketing de la Faculté des HEC et l...
Tendencias y fuerzas sociales en la configuración del campo religioso latinoamericano / Elio Masfer...
Treball final de Màster corresponent al Màster Universitari en Noves Tendències i Processos d'Innova...
Le Département de Marketing de la Faculté des HEC et l’Observatoire des Religions en Suisse de la Fa...
International audienceOver the last twenty years, research developments in the sociology of religion...
O presente trabalho se propõe fazer uma análise de categorias sociais que a primeira vista não tem p...
The present work if considers to make an analysis of social categories that the first sight does not...
International audienceOver the last twenty years, research developments in the sociology of religion...
For the past few decades the western world has seen a particular religious revival. Far from disappe...
Over the last twenty years, research developments in the sociology of religions may interest researc...
Neste artigo se argumenta a relevância do estudo da religiosidade popular para entender as novas for...