Cell-wallpolysaccharides of rye-derivedwheats: investigations of the biochemical causes of dough stickiness

  • Henry, R. J.
  • Martin, D. J.
  • Stewart, B. G.
Publication date
January 1989
Elsevier BV
Citation count (estimate)


Rye contains much higher levels of cell-wallpolysaccharides such as pentosans and (1 → 3),(1 → 4)-β-glucans than wheat, suggesting that these polysaccharides might contribute to the undesirable dough stickiness found in many rye-derivedwheats such as those with the IB/IR chromosome translocation. The pentosan and β-glucan content of whole grain and endosperm samples was determined for two varieties of wheat, two of rye and three rye-derivedwheats. The pentosan and β-glucan contents of normal and rye-derivedwheat were similar. Slightly higher β-glucan levels were detected in the endosperm of the rye-derivedwheat samples exhibiting dough stickiness so this character was examined further. Flour produced in a laboratory mill from 18 wheat sampl...

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