<p>Proportion of annual commercial fisheries catches that fall within the permitted fishing area result of the 95% target scenario.</p
<p>Total number of herring caught in the local area for 2012, in brackets number of gillnets; ice = ...
<p>The spatial distribution of the surplus yield remaining following a fishing season in 2005 deline...
<p>The area of the pies is proportional to the catch rates of four main species groups (dolphifish, ...
<p>Proportion of baits where fish were observed, total number of species observed, and, for the bait...
<p>‘Area exploited’ defined as regions where primary production required (PPR) to sustain reported f...
<p>Species are ordered by annual catch tons. The percent and cumulative percent of each species over...
<p>Percentage of fishing gear used for catching sea bass, from the shore and from boats.</p
<p>Detailed analysis of the result of the 5% catch reduction scenario that produced the greatest are...
<p>Number of countries with projected gains and losses under each high seas catch scenario, and the ...
The percentage contribution to total removals (= landings/ (landed + dead releases or discards)) by ...
<p>Breakpoint analysis results for annual bonefish catch, proportion of positive trips and catch ric...
<p>Projected proportion of stocks assessed by region and calendar year, based on assessment probabil...
<p>Proportional contributions to overall commercial reef fish landings of main families (a) and top ...
<p>Annual totals for fishing effort in millions of hooks or thousands of trawl operations for pelagi...
<p>Fish catches registered for those mitigation measures that involved a change in the longline conf...
<p>Total number of herring caught in the local area for 2012, in brackets number of gillnets; ice = ...
<p>The spatial distribution of the surplus yield remaining following a fishing season in 2005 deline...
<p>The area of the pies is proportional to the catch rates of four main species groups (dolphifish, ...
<p>Proportion of baits where fish were observed, total number of species observed, and, for the bait...
<p>‘Area exploited’ defined as regions where primary production required (PPR) to sustain reported f...
<p>Species are ordered by annual catch tons. The percent and cumulative percent of each species over...
<p>Percentage of fishing gear used for catching sea bass, from the shore and from boats.</p
<p>Detailed analysis of the result of the 5% catch reduction scenario that produced the greatest are...
<p>Number of countries with projected gains and losses under each high seas catch scenario, and the ...
The percentage contribution to total removals (= landings/ (landed + dead releases or discards)) by ...
<p>Breakpoint analysis results for annual bonefish catch, proportion of positive trips and catch ric...
<p>Projected proportion of stocks assessed by region and calendar year, based on assessment probabil...
<p>Proportional contributions to overall commercial reef fish landings of main families (a) and top ...
<p>Annual totals for fishing effort in millions of hooks or thousands of trawl operations for pelagi...
<p>Fish catches registered for those mitigation measures that involved a change in the longline conf...
<p>Total number of herring caught in the local area for 2012, in brackets number of gillnets; ice = ...
<p>The spatial distribution of the surplus yield remaining following a fishing season in 2005 deline...
<p>The area of the pies is proportional to the catch rates of four main species groups (dolphifish, ...