<p>IQR = inter-quartile range; ARV = antiretroviral therapy; HAART = highly active antiretroviral therapy</p
¥<p>Number and percentages unless indicated otherwise. IQR, inter-quartile rage.</p>*<p>The frequenc...
<p>Baseline characteristics of HIV-infected persons initiating isoniazid preventive therapy who did ...
<p>Baseline characteristics of HIV-infected persons who registered for pre-ART and ART care between ...
<p>IQR, interquartile range; ART, antiretroviral therapy; BMI, body mass index, ARV, antiretroviral ...
*<p>compared to controls.</p><p>IQR: interquartile range; PI: protease inhibitor; NNRTI : Non-Nucleo...
<p>IQR: interquartile range, BMI: body-mass index, HIV: human immunodeficiency virus, HAART: highly ...
<p>N/A = not applicable.</p>*<p>6 (67%) of HIV positive patients were on antiretroviral therapy pri...
<p>Arm1 = HIV patients treated with efavirenz based HAART only.</p><p>Arm2 = TB-HIV patients wit...
M (IQR), Mean (interquartile range). ATVrtv, atazanavir boosted with ritonavir. ATV400, unboosted-at...
<p>IQR: interquartile range; MDR-TB: multidrug-resistant tuberculosis; ART: antiretroviral therapy;<...
<p>Abbreviations—cART, combined antiretroviral therapy; sd, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile r...
<p>Note: BP = bacterial pneumonia; CI = confidence interval; HAART = highly active antiretroviral th...
<p>Values presented as number (%) or median (25<sup>th</sup>, 75<sup>th</sup> percentile).</p><p>Co-...
<p>Clinical parameters of the HIV-positive participants at baseline, prior to initiation of antiretr...
Characteristics at first-line antiretroviral treatment initiation of adult patients from two South A...
¥<p>Number and percentages unless indicated otherwise. IQR, inter-quartile rage.</p>*<p>The frequenc...
<p>Baseline characteristics of HIV-infected persons initiating isoniazid preventive therapy who did ...
<p>Baseline characteristics of HIV-infected persons who registered for pre-ART and ART care between ...
<p>IQR, interquartile range; ART, antiretroviral therapy; BMI, body mass index, ARV, antiretroviral ...
*<p>compared to controls.</p><p>IQR: interquartile range; PI: protease inhibitor; NNRTI : Non-Nucleo...
<p>IQR: interquartile range, BMI: body-mass index, HIV: human immunodeficiency virus, HAART: highly ...
<p>N/A = not applicable.</p>*<p>6 (67%) of HIV positive patients were on antiretroviral therapy pri...
<p>Arm1 = HIV patients treated with efavirenz based HAART only.</p><p>Arm2 = TB-HIV patients wit...
M (IQR), Mean (interquartile range). ATVrtv, atazanavir boosted with ritonavir. ATV400, unboosted-at...
<p>IQR: interquartile range; MDR-TB: multidrug-resistant tuberculosis; ART: antiretroviral therapy;<...
<p>Abbreviations—cART, combined antiretroviral therapy; sd, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile r...
<p>Note: BP = bacterial pneumonia; CI = confidence interval; HAART = highly active antiretroviral th...
<p>Values presented as number (%) or median (25<sup>th</sup>, 75<sup>th</sup> percentile).</p><p>Co-...
<p>Clinical parameters of the HIV-positive participants at baseline, prior to initiation of antiretr...
Characteristics at first-line antiretroviral treatment initiation of adult patients from two South A...
¥<p>Number and percentages unless indicated otherwise. IQR, inter-quartile rage.</p>*<p>The frequenc...
<p>Baseline characteristics of HIV-infected persons initiating isoniazid preventive therapy who did ...
<p>Baseline characteristics of HIV-infected persons who registered for pre-ART and ART care between ...