Spinning disk confocal time-lapse imaging of the first mitosis in a C. elegans embryo that has been depleted of KNL-2 by RNAi. GFP-histone and GFP-γ-tubulin were imaged (strain TH32). Pronuclear migration is slightly disrupted by a chromatin bridge resulting from failed meiotic segregation of the maternal chromatin. As seen in CeCENP-A depletion (CIL 28776), chromosome condensation is disrupted, chromosomes fail to form a proper metaphase plate, and the spindle poles move away from the chromatin masses prematurely. Anaphase segregation fails, and chromatin masses are left in the middle of the cell. Also note the meiotic defect that results in a defective oocyte pronucleus (left side of image at the beginning of the videos; this is the embry...