NEXUS format file of the 6-gene alignment with settings for MrBayes Bayesian Inference analysis
Supplementary File 7. Concatenated alignment of nucleotide sequence data for the final 12-gene 129-t...
Interleaved alignment of all genes in Nexus format, with exclusion settings and partition scheme (P5...
Sequence alignments with command blocks for all phylogenetic analyses using MrBayes 3.6.
NEXUS format file of 13-gene alignment with command block incluzding settings for MrBayes Bayesian I...
Contains nexus alignments for each of the genes of the 10-gene dataset, as well as a concatenated f...
The NEXUS file provides the data alignment and the Mr Bayes block to run the analysis. Additional in...
These are the alignments of each of the six loci used in the study. These files have been run in MrB...
Concatenated alignment of 40 taxa and 2447 characters from six gene regions. Includes MrBayes block
A compressed file containing the 12 nuclear and one mitochondrial data sets. Each gene is aligned as...
The full molecular alignment in nexus format, with all MrBayes commands appended. Plain text execut...
Nexus file of DNA sequence alignments for phased alleles of the intron 5 of the TGFB
NEXUS file used as input for MrBayes phylogenetic inference containing alignment, partition scheme, ...
This is the aligned six-gene dataset, which was used as input for the molecular clock analysis
This nexus file contains the alignment nDNA and mtDNA used in the paper, plus the MrBays block requi...
Nexus file with alignment of seven concatenated genes: NAK, Opsin, PolII, Wg, CAD, COI, and EF1 copy...
Supplementary File 7. Concatenated alignment of nucleotide sequence data for the final 12-gene 129-t...
Interleaved alignment of all genes in Nexus format, with exclusion settings and partition scheme (P5...
Sequence alignments with command blocks for all phylogenetic analyses using MrBayes 3.6.
NEXUS format file of 13-gene alignment with command block incluzding settings for MrBayes Bayesian I...
Contains nexus alignments for each of the genes of the 10-gene dataset, as well as a concatenated f...
The NEXUS file provides the data alignment and the Mr Bayes block to run the analysis. Additional in...
These are the alignments of each of the six loci used in the study. These files have been run in MrB...
Concatenated alignment of 40 taxa and 2447 characters from six gene regions. Includes MrBayes block
A compressed file containing the 12 nuclear and one mitochondrial data sets. Each gene is aligned as...
The full molecular alignment in nexus format, with all MrBayes commands appended. Plain text execut...
Nexus file of DNA sequence alignments for phased alleles of the intron 5 of the TGFB
NEXUS file used as input for MrBayes phylogenetic inference containing alignment, partition scheme, ...
This is the aligned six-gene dataset, which was used as input for the molecular clock analysis
This nexus file contains the alignment nDNA and mtDNA used in the paper, plus the MrBays block requi...
Nexus file with alignment of seven concatenated genes: NAK, Opsin, PolII, Wg, CAD, COI, and EF1 copy...
Supplementary File 7. Concatenated alignment of nucleotide sequence data for the final 12-gene 129-t...
Interleaved alignment of all genes in Nexus format, with exclusion settings and partition scheme (P5...
Sequence alignments with command blocks for all phylogenetic analyses using MrBayes 3.6.