<p>The three canals are depicted as follows: anterior – diamonds; lateral – triangles and posterior – circles. With members of the two bat clades represented as follows: Yinpterochiroptera [Old World fruit bats (orange), laryngeal echolocating species (blue)] and the Yangochiroptera (yellow). Species numbers follow those in Table S1 in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0061998#pone.0061998.s005" target="_blank">Text S1</a>.</p
Fig. 16. Geographic variation of Chilonatalus micropus. SAP: San Andrés and Providencia islands, Col...
The vestibular system maintains the body’s sense of balance and, therefore, was probably subject to ...
Fig. 26. Sexual and geographic variation in four cranial dimensions of Natalus lanatus from the Atla...
<p>(A) The species topology of 35 bats. Branches leading to rhinolophids, vespertilionid bats, <i>Mi...
Fig. 40. Plot of scores of the second canonical root obtained by canonical variates analysis of seve...
Fig. 1. Cranial dimensions measured in this study: A, postorbital breadth; B, zygomatic breadth; C, ...
FIGURE 3. Box-and-whisker plots summarizing the cranial and wing dimensions of Sturnira oporaphilum,...
<p>95% prediction intervals (dashed lines) and 95% confidence intervals (solid lines) are shown for ...
<p>The OLS regression of non-bat mammals is shown by the bold line (anterior: <i>r = </i>0.954, <i>P...
Fig. 38. Plot of wing-tip shape index vs. relative size of the uropatagium in 11 species of Natalida...
Fig. 47. Distribution of relative size of the natalid organ in 10 species of Natalidae. Two groups o...
Fig 2. Illustrated dentitions of Green River bats. A) Onychonycteris finneyi (ROM 55351A-B) upper P1...
The vestibular system maintains the body’s sense of balance and, therefore, was probably subject to ...
Fig. 42 (continued). B, Canonical analysis axis scores for seven skull measurements of 12 species of...
<p>Bat phylogeny to show species representation based on Teeling <i>et al. </i><a href="http://www.p...
Fig. 16. Geographic variation of Chilonatalus micropus. SAP: San Andrés and Providencia islands, Col...
The vestibular system maintains the body’s sense of balance and, therefore, was probably subject to ...
Fig. 26. Sexual and geographic variation in four cranial dimensions of Natalus lanatus from the Atla...
<p>(A) The species topology of 35 bats. Branches leading to rhinolophids, vespertilionid bats, <i>Mi...
Fig. 40. Plot of scores of the second canonical root obtained by canonical variates analysis of seve...
Fig. 1. Cranial dimensions measured in this study: A, postorbital breadth; B, zygomatic breadth; C, ...
FIGURE 3. Box-and-whisker plots summarizing the cranial and wing dimensions of Sturnira oporaphilum,...
<p>95% prediction intervals (dashed lines) and 95% confidence intervals (solid lines) are shown for ...
<p>The OLS regression of non-bat mammals is shown by the bold line (anterior: <i>r = </i>0.954, <i>P...
Fig. 38. Plot of wing-tip shape index vs. relative size of the uropatagium in 11 species of Natalida...
Fig. 47. Distribution of relative size of the natalid organ in 10 species of Natalidae. Two groups o...
Fig 2. Illustrated dentitions of Green River bats. A) Onychonycteris finneyi (ROM 55351A-B) upper P1...
The vestibular system maintains the body’s sense of balance and, therefore, was probably subject to ...
Fig. 42 (continued). B, Canonical analysis axis scores for seven skull measurements of 12 species of...
<p>Bat phylogeny to show species representation based on Teeling <i>et al. </i><a href="http://www.p...
Fig. 16. Geographic variation of Chilonatalus micropus. SAP: San Andrés and Providencia islands, Col...
The vestibular system maintains the body’s sense of balance and, therefore, was probably subject to ...
Fig. 26. Sexual and geographic variation in four cranial dimensions of Natalus lanatus from the Atla...