High molecular weight TDP-43 band on SDD-AGE gels found in FTLD-TDP but not control brain homogenates.

  • Patrick J. Bosque (414338)
  • Philip J. Boyer (414339)
  • Priya Mishra (414340)
Publication date
May 2013


<p>(A) Immunoblot of brain homogenates separated on an analytic SDD-AGE gel and probed with polyclonal anti-TDP-43 serum. Twenty-five µL of a 10% brain homogenate from the frontal or anterior temporal cortex was loaded in each lane. A slow-migrating band (upper bracket) is present only in the FTLD-TDP cases. Arrowheads indicate the position of molecular weight markers. The arrowhead labeled “titan” marks the position of the ∼ 3000-kDa titan band on a Coomassie-stained gel of chicken muscle extract on an SDD-AGE gel run under identical conditions. (B) Ratio of upper to lower band greater in FTLD than in controls. The quantities of TDP-43 in the range of the upper bracket and the lower bracket (Fig. 1A) were determined as described in the Met...

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