16S reference generated as consensus sequences from the Leiopelma hochstetteri 16S sequences available in GenBank
GenBank accession number information of sequences used in Tm-SPE phylogeny analysis.</p
Since its discovery in the 1970s, 16S rRNA gene is the go-to biomolecule for determining phylogeneti...
Reference DNA sequences for each taxon in the artificial DNA blend used to test the five metabarcodi...
Cyt b reference generated as consensus sequences from the Leiopelma hochstetteri Cyt b sequences ava...
The consensus_sequences folder contains the consensus sequences for 92 strains of N. tetrasperma, in...
Sequences with names beginning with "denovo" are less than 97% similar to Greengenes representative ...
<p>The left column is the secondary structure of the D3-4 ‘marker-box’ of each polyneopteran order. ...
Consensus sequences of all loci used in analyses. Loci identifier numbers match those of other uploa...
The 16s_workflow.tar.gz archive contains the code used to generate the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny of ty...
GenBank accession numbers and corresponding references for the 16S/COI phylogenetic tree.</p
<p>The 16S rDNA sequences were obtained from 28 bacterial species (their names and NCBI Gene IDs are...
<p>Summary of the VicR consensus sequences as determined by DNaseI footprinting.</p
<p>Phyla distribution of the 16S rDNA clone libraries obtained from the samples.</p
Cyanobacterial 16S-23S rRNA ITS reference sequence database for next generation sequencing data anal...
Reference sequences accession number and Genotype used to construct a phylogenetic tree.</p
GenBank accession number information of sequences used in Tm-SPE phylogeny analysis.</p
Since its discovery in the 1970s, 16S rRNA gene is the go-to biomolecule for determining phylogeneti...
Reference DNA sequences for each taxon in the artificial DNA blend used to test the five metabarcodi...
Cyt b reference generated as consensus sequences from the Leiopelma hochstetteri Cyt b sequences ava...
The consensus_sequences folder contains the consensus sequences for 92 strains of N. tetrasperma, in...
Sequences with names beginning with "denovo" are less than 97% similar to Greengenes representative ...
<p>The left column is the secondary structure of the D3-4 ‘marker-box’ of each polyneopteran order. ...
Consensus sequences of all loci used in analyses. Loci identifier numbers match those of other uploa...
The 16s_workflow.tar.gz archive contains the code used to generate the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny of ty...
GenBank accession numbers and corresponding references for the 16S/COI phylogenetic tree.</p
<p>The 16S rDNA sequences were obtained from 28 bacterial species (their names and NCBI Gene IDs are...
<p>Summary of the VicR consensus sequences as determined by DNaseI footprinting.</p
<p>Phyla distribution of the 16S rDNA clone libraries obtained from the samples.</p
Cyanobacterial 16S-23S rRNA ITS reference sequence database for next generation sequencing data anal...
Reference sequences accession number and Genotype used to construct a phylogenetic tree.</p
GenBank accession number information of sequences used in Tm-SPE phylogeny analysis.</p
Since its discovery in the 1970s, 16S rRNA gene is the go-to biomolecule for determining phylogeneti...
Reference DNA sequences for each taxon in the artificial DNA blend used to test the five metabarcodi...