The aim of this study was to determine the basic engineering skills badminton blow on A class VIII SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak. The research method is descriptive method with a form of survey research. The sample was 36 students. The research result is value for long service value with excellent category is 72.22% with the number of 29 students, both categories is 25.00% with the number 9 students, the category is 2.78% with a sufficient amount of one student. Value for short service backhand value with excellent category is 27.78% with the number of 10 students, both categories is 66.67% with the number of 24 students, enough category is 5.55% with the amount of 2 students. Value for overhead lob that value with excellent category is 16.67% wi...
ABSTRACT This writing aims to find out how well badminton players can perform short serves and long ...
The purpose of this study was to determine the skills dropshoot blow on students who take high schoo...
This research is descriptive research that aims to determine: (1 ) the physical fitnes of athletes ...
AbstractThe problem taken in this study is that there are many badminton extracurricular enthusiasts...
The problem in this study is the low performance of badminton elementary school students in the Pemb...
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui keterampilan teknik dasar pada atlet Bulutangkis PB. Bu...
This research purpose of this research is to know the basic techniques of the game of badminton on S...
AbstractThis research is motivated by the relatively inadequate short service ability of badminton d...
Effects of Learning Models on Badminton Learning Achievement. This study aims to find out the effect...
AbstractThe problem in this study was to know how the effort in improving badminton smash ability th...
Education that utilizes systematically planned physical activity aims to develop and enhance individ...
Badminton is a sport that uses racquets in a game that is played by two people or four people with p...
This study aims to describe the Basic Techniques of Backhand Overhead Badminton in PB Buana Sakti Wa...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil keterampilan Smash Bola Voli melalui Pener...
Effects of Learning Models on Badminton Learning Achievement. Thisstudy aims to find out the effects...
ABSTRACT This writing aims to find out how well badminton players can perform short serves and long ...
The purpose of this study was to determine the skills dropshoot blow on students who take high schoo...
This research is descriptive research that aims to determine: (1 ) the physical fitnes of athletes ...
AbstractThe problem taken in this study is that there are many badminton extracurricular enthusiasts...
The problem in this study is the low performance of badminton elementary school students in the Pemb...
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui keterampilan teknik dasar pada atlet Bulutangkis PB. Bu...
This research purpose of this research is to know the basic techniques of the game of badminton on S...
AbstractThis research is motivated by the relatively inadequate short service ability of badminton d...
Effects of Learning Models on Badminton Learning Achievement. This study aims to find out the effect...
AbstractThe problem in this study was to know how the effort in improving badminton smash ability th...
Education that utilizes systematically planned physical activity aims to develop and enhance individ...
Badminton is a sport that uses racquets in a game that is played by two people or four people with p...
This study aims to describe the Basic Techniques of Backhand Overhead Badminton in PB Buana Sakti Wa...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil keterampilan Smash Bola Voli melalui Pener...
Effects of Learning Models on Badminton Learning Achievement. Thisstudy aims to find out the effects...
ABSTRACT This writing aims to find out how well badminton players can perform short serves and long ...
The purpose of this study was to determine the skills dropshoot blow on students who take high schoo...
This research is descriptive research that aims to determine: (1 ) the physical fitnes of athletes ...