<p>Location and species of Gmelin larch forests in different sites and plots.</p
Species, number of females, habitat, location, coordinates, altitude, and date of collection of the ...
Description of the number of plots and the type of vegetation at each elevational belt at each site....
<p>Locations of the five aquatic ecosystem types and the 12 areas that were studied.</p
Location of 171 survey sites and distribution of modelled habitat used to target surveys in forests....
Location and area of the eight Neotropical forest sites analysed in this paper.</p
<p>Values represent mean ± standard error (n = 3). Different letters in each column indicate signifi...
<p>Geographical location, forest flora, and sample sites in Liaoning province.</p
<p>Distribution of sites along a latitudinal gradient of Atlantic Forest, Brazil.</p
<p>Geographical locations of the sampled wild populations employed in this study.</p
<p>Geographic locations of cultivated and wild <i>Cicer</i> species collection sites (C: Cultivated;...
Locations of existing forest carbon offset projects (green, in hectares) in the United States and pe...
<p>The relationships of regional species richness (RSR), local species richness (LSR) of forest, gra...
<p>Total number of plots, plant families, genera and species of trees in different forest types.</p
GPS coordinates of Lissotriton montandoni localities used for species distribution modelin
<p>Location of <i>Arenaria grandiflora</i> L. in the Fontainebleau Forest (France).</p
Species, number of females, habitat, location, coordinates, altitude, and date of collection of the ...
Description of the number of plots and the type of vegetation at each elevational belt at each site....
<p>Locations of the five aquatic ecosystem types and the 12 areas that were studied.</p
Location of 171 survey sites and distribution of modelled habitat used to target surveys in forests....
Location and area of the eight Neotropical forest sites analysed in this paper.</p
<p>Values represent mean ± standard error (n = 3). Different letters in each column indicate signifi...
<p>Geographical location, forest flora, and sample sites in Liaoning province.</p
<p>Distribution of sites along a latitudinal gradient of Atlantic Forest, Brazil.</p
<p>Geographical locations of the sampled wild populations employed in this study.</p
<p>Geographic locations of cultivated and wild <i>Cicer</i> species collection sites (C: Cultivated;...
Locations of existing forest carbon offset projects (green, in hectares) in the United States and pe...
<p>The relationships of regional species richness (RSR), local species richness (LSR) of forest, gra...
<p>Total number of plots, plant families, genera and species of trees in different forest types.</p
GPS coordinates of Lissotriton montandoni localities used for species distribution modelin
<p>Location of <i>Arenaria grandiflora</i> L. in the Fontainebleau Forest (France).</p
Species, number of females, habitat, location, coordinates, altitude, and date of collection of the ...
Description of the number of plots and the type of vegetation at each elevational belt at each site....
<p>Locations of the five aquatic ecosystem types and the 12 areas that were studied.</p