<p><strong>Figure 2.</strong> Dynamical behaviour of the field entropy versus the scaled time τ = λ<em>t</em> in the presence of nonlinearity functions: (a) <em>g</em>(<em>n</em>) = 1, (b) g(n)=L_{n}^{1}(\eta ^{2})[(n+1)L_{n}^{0}(\eta ^{2})]^{-1}, η = 0.2, (c) g(n)=1/\sqrt{n}, and (d) g(n)=\sqrt{n+\nu }, ν = 3, when the atom and field are assumed to be initially in an excited state and in a coherent state with |α|<sup>2</sup> = 10, respectively. The left plots correspond to the influence of intensity-dependent coupling for fixed <em>p</em> (<em>p</em> = 2) and the right plots show the effect of the atomic motion and field-mode structure by considering <em>p</em> = 2 (continuous line), <em>p</em> = 4 (dot-dashed line) and <em>p</em> = 6 (das...