<p>Following the MCA of the captive-born animals, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed and resulted in 7 groups (n<sub>A</sub> = 1, n<sub>B</sub> = 3, n<sub>C</sub> = 8, n<sub>D</sub> = 8, n<sub>E</sub> = 2, n<sub>F</sub> = 14, n<sub>G</sub> = 4). For each variable collected, the mean percentages of occurrence were calculated among the 7 groups. The radar profiles of group A (<b>panel </b><b>A)</b>, group B (<b>panel B</b>), group C (<b>panel </b><b>C)</b>, group D (<b>panel D</b>), group E (<b>panel </b><b>E)</b>, group F (<b>panel </b><b>F</b>) and group G (<b>panel </b><b>G)</b> were created using a selection of collected variables (<b>panel </b><b>H</b>). The radar legend of the radars is explained on panel <b>H</b>. Each axis ...
<div><p>Background</p><p>To date, experimental and preclinical studies on neuropsychiatric condition...
<p>The mean percentages of occurrence (with regard to the 240 scans) and standard error means (SEM) ...
A Novel Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior A novel data analysis method was developed ...
<p>Following the MCA of the wild-born animals, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed and res...
<p>Following the MCA (<b><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.00621...
<p>The mean percentages of occurrence (with regard to the 240 scans) and standard error means (SEM) ...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
<p>The mean percentages of occurrence (with regard to the 90 scans) and standard error means (SEM) p...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
<p>a) Exploration, b) Individual play, c) Social play. Proportion of behavioural occurrences in the ...
<div><p>Background</p><p>To date, experimental and preclinical studies on neuropsychiatric condition...
<p>The mean percentages of occurrence (with regard to the 240 scans) and standard error means (SEM) ...
A Novel Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior A novel data analysis method was developed ...
<p>Following the MCA of the wild-born animals, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed and res...
<p>Following the MCA (<b><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.00621...
<p>The mean percentages of occurrence (with regard to the 240 scans) and standard error means (SEM) ...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
<p>The mean percentages of occurrence (with regard to the 90 scans) and standard error means (SEM) p...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
Using automated supervised behavioral assessment software, we recorded and analyzed 24 h non-interru...
<p>a) Exploration, b) Individual play, c) Social play. Proportion of behavioural occurrences in the ...
<div><p>Background</p><p>To date, experimental and preclinical studies on neuropsychiatric condition...
<p>The mean percentages of occurrence (with regard to the 240 scans) and standard error means (SEM) ...
A Novel Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior A novel data analysis method was developed ...