Serine 1450 phosphorylation is critical for Akt-induced N-CoR misfolding.

  • Dawn Sijin Nin (171752)
  • Azhar Bin Ali (203989)
  • Koichi Okumura (442071)
  • Norio Asou (442072)
  • Chien-Shing Chen (216073)
  • Wee Joo Chng (171766)
  • Matiullah Khan (171771)
Publication date
August 2013


<p><i>A</i>, Serine to alanine substitution at 1450 abrogated Akt-induced N-CoR misfolding. Relative solubility/insolubility of flag-tagged N-CoR (WT and S1450A or T1925A mutants) in 293T cells transfected with the constitutively active myr-Akt was determined by protein solubility assay. Soluble (S) and insoluble (I) fractions were separated by high-speed centrifugation and N-CoR levels in each fraction were determined with flag antibody (upper panel). The relative solubility/insolubility of β-actin in each fraction was determined as a control (middle panel). The level of total of protein in each fraction was determined by coomassie blue staining (lower panel). <i>B,</i> N-CoR S1450E, the phosphomimetic mutant of N-CoR, displayed signs of m...

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