<p><strong>Figure 3.</strong> The damages from 2.5 °C of warming (as a percentage of global output) that would equalize the additional abatement cost <em>C</em><sub><em>x</em><em>z</em></sub> and expected climate benefits <em>E</em>[<em>B</em><sub><em>x</em><em>z</em>d</sub>|<em>a</em>] from adopting CO<sub>2</sub> target <em>x</em> instead of one 50 ppm higher, all calculated with a 5% consumption discount rate. The range of technology scenarios (<em>n</em> = 384) is represented by each box (median and interquartile range) and its whiskers (minimum and maximum). Comparing across columns within a group reveals the effect of changing the distribution for climate sensitivity, comparing across groups reveals the effect of changing the damage f...