<p>Concentrations of serotype-specific IgG from sera collected post-primary from PCV7 and PCV13 recipients.</p
<p>Concentration of IgG antibodies against measles in unvaccinated persons in relation to the diseas...
<p>Serotypes DENV-1 to -4 are in purple, red, green and blue, respectively, untyped is in yellow.</p
<p>The study in 2001/02 was a longitudinal study the three subsequent studies cross-sectional. *The ...
<p>Concentrations of serotype-specific IgG from sera collected post-booster from PCV7 and PCV13 reci...
<p>*Binomial exact confidence interval;</p><p>**P Value from chi-square test of proportions at 40 mo...
<p>ONV = Other non-PCV13 serotypes <sup>a</sup>Any child who received only PCV7 or PCV10 was exclude...
<p>Comparison of prevalence for PCV13 additional serotypes and 6C among different vaccinated groups ...
<p>Proportion of participants with serotype-specific IgG concentrations and OPA titers above a thres...
<p>**P value from independent samples t-test using Satterthwaites method for unequal variances where...
<p>Geometric mean (GM) concentrations and 95% confidence intervals of serotype-specific IgG antibodi...
<p>Serotype-specific contributions (%) to paediatric IPD cases by region in studies with PCV7 implem...
<p>The dark shaded bars represent PCV7 and the light shaded bars PCV13 minus PCV7 types.</p
<p>Serotype-specific contributions (%) to paediatric IPD cases in settings that have introduced PCV1...
<p>*The GMs of antibodies to these serotypes were significantly higher in the vaccinated group than ...
<p>Non-vaccine serotypes with an absolute frequency <5 in the PCV7 era were grouped as “others”. The...
<p>Concentration of IgG antibodies against measles in unvaccinated persons in relation to the diseas...
<p>Serotypes DENV-1 to -4 are in purple, red, green and blue, respectively, untyped is in yellow.</p
<p>The study in 2001/02 was a longitudinal study the three subsequent studies cross-sectional. *The ...
<p>Concentrations of serotype-specific IgG from sera collected post-booster from PCV7 and PCV13 reci...
<p>*Binomial exact confidence interval;</p><p>**P Value from chi-square test of proportions at 40 mo...
<p>ONV = Other non-PCV13 serotypes <sup>a</sup>Any child who received only PCV7 or PCV10 was exclude...
<p>Comparison of prevalence for PCV13 additional serotypes and 6C among different vaccinated groups ...
<p>Proportion of participants with serotype-specific IgG concentrations and OPA titers above a thres...
<p>**P value from independent samples t-test using Satterthwaites method for unequal variances where...
<p>Geometric mean (GM) concentrations and 95% confidence intervals of serotype-specific IgG antibodi...
<p>Serotype-specific contributions (%) to paediatric IPD cases by region in studies with PCV7 implem...
<p>The dark shaded bars represent PCV7 and the light shaded bars PCV13 minus PCV7 types.</p
<p>Serotype-specific contributions (%) to paediatric IPD cases in settings that have introduced PCV1...
<p>*The GMs of antibodies to these serotypes were significantly higher in the vaccinated group than ...
<p>Non-vaccine serotypes with an absolute frequency <5 in the PCV7 era were grouped as “others”. The...
<p>Concentration of IgG antibodies against measles in unvaccinated persons in relation to the diseas...
<p>Serotypes DENV-1 to -4 are in purple, red, green and blue, respectively, untyped is in yellow.</p
<p>The study in 2001/02 was a longitudinal study the three subsequent studies cross-sectional. *The ...