<p>Soil characteristics (mean <u>+</u> SE) with age of abandoned fields and uncleared forests (N = 55).</p
<p>Geographical and descriptive characteristics of the analyzed soil samples.</p
Long term sustainability of forest ecosystems is dependent on preserving soil quality. Therefore, kn...
<p>Age, basic characteristics and archaeological sampling sites of the soil samples.</p
Soil horizon characteristics for podzol forest soil profiles for a Young (35 year old) and Mature (1...
<p>Characteristics of the two mineral forest soils (upper 20 cm) used in this study.</p
Mean values (±SE) of chemical soil properties for each of the three soil types (arable, grassland, f...
<p>Effects of forest age, season and their interactions on soil chemical properties (means±s.d., n =...
<p>Site characteristics of the different ages of forest plots (Mean ± SE, n = 3).</p
<p>Values are the means ± SE of three plots. Values designated by different lowercase letters were s...
<p>Soil physicochemical characteristics (A: <i>SOM</i>, <i>AN</i> and C/N; B: <i>TN</i>, <i>TP</i> a...
<p>Effects of afforestation of abandoned farmland on soil OC concentration and stock at different st...
<p>Stoichiometric characteristics of plant and soil C:N:P as affected by plantation age and soil dep...
<p>Land characteristics, thresholds and degree of suitability for forest and grasslands.</p
<p><sup>a</sup>,: mean of five sites ± standard error.</p><p>*: the difference between forest soil a...
<p>Physical and chemical characteristics of the soil in the experimental fields.</p
<p>Geographical and descriptive characteristics of the analyzed soil samples.</p
Long term sustainability of forest ecosystems is dependent on preserving soil quality. Therefore, kn...
<p>Age, basic characteristics and archaeological sampling sites of the soil samples.</p
Soil horizon characteristics for podzol forest soil profiles for a Young (35 year old) and Mature (1...
<p>Characteristics of the two mineral forest soils (upper 20 cm) used in this study.</p
Mean values (±SE) of chemical soil properties for each of the three soil types (arable, grassland, f...
<p>Effects of forest age, season and their interactions on soil chemical properties (means±s.d., n =...
<p>Site characteristics of the different ages of forest plots (Mean ± SE, n = 3).</p
<p>Values are the means ± SE of three plots. Values designated by different lowercase letters were s...
<p>Soil physicochemical characteristics (A: <i>SOM</i>, <i>AN</i> and C/N; B: <i>TN</i>, <i>TP</i> a...
<p>Effects of afforestation of abandoned farmland on soil OC concentration and stock at different st...
<p>Stoichiometric characteristics of plant and soil C:N:P as affected by plantation age and soil dep...
<p>Land characteristics, thresholds and degree of suitability for forest and grasslands.</p
<p><sup>a</sup>,: mean of five sites ± standard error.</p><p>*: the difference between forest soil a...
<p>Physical and chemical characteristics of the soil in the experimental fields.</p
<p>Geographical and descriptive characteristics of the analyzed soil samples.</p
Long term sustainability of forest ecosystems is dependent on preserving soil quality. Therefore, kn...
<p>Age, basic characteristics and archaeological sampling sites of the soil samples.</p