<p>A. Number of colonies added to treatment plots by year. Initial additions were the same for all plots, but controls required more additions in subsequent years. B. Existing colonies were counted before additions. Persistence of transplanted colonies was higher in the mow and plow plots than in the controls.</p
<p>A. The clonogenic efficiency was determined in cells populated by resistant and sensitive clones,...
We assessed how preemptive inoculation of plant leaves with bacteria affected the establishment of s...
Data on the number of individuals that survived (out of 10) in experimental plots. Plots (1 m by 1 m...
<p>Richness treatments include the single species monocultures, two species (focal species plus one ...
<p>R-colonies represent the number of colonies resistant to Bentazon and Kanamycin from the infected...
<p>Total number of colonies used in the experiment (<i>n</i>) and in the final data analysis (<i>n</...
<p>Means ± SE of 300 replicates with the different letters are significantly different at <i>P</i><0...
<p>Results are from three different experiments (i.e. different donors); each individual number repr...
The spread area of cells was measured at every fifteen-minute time point for every colony during the...
The role of colonization history and subsequent biotic interactions in determining the species compo...
<p>Seedling survival is expressed as the % of surviving seedlings after 16 weeks of growth. Open cir...
The ‘highly suitable’ settlement treatment contained a spat as the settlement cue whereas the ‘unsui...
<p>It is clear that while the strategies that evolve under cyclic or complex prey dynamics prove qui...
<p>x and y: expressed as mean value ± SD.</p><p>+: Viable. TNTC = too numerous to count. NA = not ap...
<p>(a) Timeline for collection, propagation, outplanting and monitoring. (b) Fragments were collecte...
<p>A. The clonogenic efficiency was determined in cells populated by resistant and sensitive clones,...
We assessed how preemptive inoculation of plant leaves with bacteria affected the establishment of s...
Data on the number of individuals that survived (out of 10) in experimental plots. Plots (1 m by 1 m...
<p>Richness treatments include the single species monocultures, two species (focal species plus one ...
<p>R-colonies represent the number of colonies resistant to Bentazon and Kanamycin from the infected...
<p>Total number of colonies used in the experiment (<i>n</i>) and in the final data analysis (<i>n</...
<p>Means ± SE of 300 replicates with the different letters are significantly different at <i>P</i><0...
<p>Results are from three different experiments (i.e. different donors); each individual number repr...
The spread area of cells was measured at every fifteen-minute time point for every colony during the...
The role of colonization history and subsequent biotic interactions in determining the species compo...
<p>Seedling survival is expressed as the % of surviving seedlings after 16 weeks of growth. Open cir...
The ‘highly suitable’ settlement treatment contained a spat as the settlement cue whereas the ‘unsui...
<p>It is clear that while the strategies that evolve under cyclic or complex prey dynamics prove qui...
<p>x and y: expressed as mean value ± SD.</p><p>+: Viable. TNTC = too numerous to count. NA = not ap...
<p>(a) Timeline for collection, propagation, outplanting and monitoring. (b) Fragments were collecte...
<p>A. The clonogenic efficiency was determined in cells populated by resistant and sensitive clones,...
We assessed how preemptive inoculation of plant leaves with bacteria affected the establishment of s...
Data on the number of individuals that survived (out of 10) in experimental plots. Plots (1 m by 1 m...