<p>Bootstrap values in percent (>50%) are given above branches (based on ML analysis) and below branches (MP analysis). Bootstrap values within subclades are not shown (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0078107#pone.0078107.s002" target="_blank">Figure S2</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0078107#pone.0078107.s003" target="_blank">S3</a>). *haplotypes associated with <i>Wolbachia.</i></p
<p>Values above branches represent maximum likelihood bootstrap values and Bayesian a posteriori pro...
<p>Numbers above branches are bootstrap values from 1000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates obtained from ML...
<p>All nodes have Bayesian PP values = 1.00; ML bootstrap values are listed in italics. The outgrou...
<p>Circle size is proportional to haplotypes frequency (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info...
<p>Neighbour-Joining tree of mitochondrial COI haplotypes and alleles at the nuclear loci <i>GAPDH</...
<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Mitochondrial DNA analysis of field populations o...
<p>For each haplotype, the species, country and river basin are indicated. Numbers are the bootstrap...
<p>Small bars represent individuals and their cluster membership coefficients. For details see text,...
Figure 1. - Bayesian phylogeny of Euptychia based on one mitochondrial (COI) and one nuclear (EF1-a)...
<p>Haplotype labels as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0149...
<p>Bayesian phylogenetic inference of mitochondrial haplotypes of <i>Euparkerella</i>. Colors refer ...
<p>A non-clock HKY+I+G model of evolution was used. Numbers at the root of each branch are Bayesian ...
<p>Numbers above branches are bootstrap values from 1000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates obtained from ML...
<p>Numbers beside nodes are ML bootstrap proportions ≥70 (above branches) and Bayesian posterior pro...
Bayesian and ML methods yielded similar tree topologies and so only Bayesian tree is shown. The valu...
<p>Values above branches represent maximum likelihood bootstrap values and Bayesian a posteriori pro...
<p>Numbers above branches are bootstrap values from 1000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates obtained from ML...
<p>All nodes have Bayesian PP values = 1.00; ML bootstrap values are listed in italics. The outgrou...
<p>Circle size is proportional to haplotypes frequency (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info...
<p>Neighbour-Joining tree of mitochondrial COI haplotypes and alleles at the nuclear loci <i>GAPDH</...
<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Mitochondrial DNA analysis of field populations o...
<p>For each haplotype, the species, country and river basin are indicated. Numbers are the bootstrap...
<p>Small bars represent individuals and their cluster membership coefficients. For details see text,...
Figure 1. - Bayesian phylogeny of Euptychia based on one mitochondrial (COI) and one nuclear (EF1-a)...
<p>Haplotype labels as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0149...
<p>Bayesian phylogenetic inference of mitochondrial haplotypes of <i>Euparkerella</i>. Colors refer ...
<p>A non-clock HKY+I+G model of evolution was used. Numbers at the root of each branch are Bayesian ...
<p>Numbers above branches are bootstrap values from 1000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates obtained from ML...
<p>Numbers beside nodes are ML bootstrap proportions ≥70 (above branches) and Bayesian posterior pro...
Bayesian and ML methods yielded similar tree topologies and so only Bayesian tree is shown. The valu...
<p>Values above branches represent maximum likelihood bootstrap values and Bayesian a posteriori pro...
<p>Numbers above branches are bootstrap values from 1000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates obtained from ML...
<p>All nodes have Bayesian PP values = 1.00; ML bootstrap values are listed in italics. The outgrou...