<p>Pair-wise genetic versus geographic distance for cases located in the same HSA (black) or different HSAs (grey).</p
<p>Genetic distance (below diagonal) and geographical distance (above diagonal) of 11 populations, k...
Genetic distances (FST, DPS, and Jost's D) between every collection locality used in the stud
Pairwise comparisons of geographic (distance.km) and environmental (distance.e) distances between po...
<p>For each same-species pair of specimens, the geographic distance between where specimens were col...
<p>(A) Relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance for all populations; (B) Relati...
<p>On the left (A) Mantel Test plot analysis using SNPs data; on the right (B) Mantel Test plot anal...
<p>Median genetic distance is indicated by a bar. HSAs 2 and 5 had only one rural case, so had no R-...
<p>Relationship between pairwise genetic distances (θ/(1-θ)) from allozymes and geographic distances...
Lower triangle indicates genetic distance (Fst), and upper triangle indicates geographic distance (k...
<p>Nei's Genetic Distance (D) is shown above the diagonal and Wright's F<sub>ST</sub> values of gene...
<p>(A) Pair-wise genetic versus geographic distance for cases, classified as Rural-Urban, Urban-Urba...
<p>(A) Pair-wise genetic versus geographic distance for TDR and non-TDR viruses, and (B) TDR and non...
<p>The correlations between the geographic distance and the genetic distance (a), and gene flow (b)....
Histograms of pairwise Hamming distances among samples. In all panes, the x-axis displays the distan...
<p>Scatterplots showing the relationship between genetic distance (GD) and geographic distance (GGD)...
<p>Genetic distance (below diagonal) and geographical distance (above diagonal) of 11 populations, k...
Genetic distances (FST, DPS, and Jost's D) between every collection locality used in the stud
Pairwise comparisons of geographic (distance.km) and environmental (distance.e) distances between po...
<p>For each same-species pair of specimens, the geographic distance between where specimens were col...
<p>(A) Relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance for all populations; (B) Relati...
<p>On the left (A) Mantel Test plot analysis using SNPs data; on the right (B) Mantel Test plot anal...
<p>Median genetic distance is indicated by a bar. HSAs 2 and 5 had only one rural case, so had no R-...
<p>Relationship between pairwise genetic distances (θ/(1-θ)) from allozymes and geographic distances...
Lower triangle indicates genetic distance (Fst), and upper triangle indicates geographic distance (k...
<p>Nei's Genetic Distance (D) is shown above the diagonal and Wright's F<sub>ST</sub> values of gene...
<p>(A) Pair-wise genetic versus geographic distance for cases, classified as Rural-Urban, Urban-Urba...
<p>(A) Pair-wise genetic versus geographic distance for TDR and non-TDR viruses, and (B) TDR and non...
<p>The correlations between the geographic distance and the genetic distance (a), and gene flow (b)....
Histograms of pairwise Hamming distances among samples. In all panes, the x-axis displays the distan...
<p>Scatterplots showing the relationship between genetic distance (GD) and geographic distance (GGD)...
<p>Genetic distance (below diagonal) and geographical distance (above diagonal) of 11 populations, k...
Genetic distances (FST, DPS, and Jost's D) between every collection locality used in the stud
Pairwise comparisons of geographic (distance.km) and environmental (distance.e) distances between po...