DNA sequence alignment in Nexus format. Up to 8 genes for 104 species. Range = 528bp (8%) - 6342bp (95%) complete. GenBank Accession numbers are provided in online suppl. info Appendix S1
Nexus file with alignment of seven concatenated genes: NAK, Opsin, PolII, Wg, CAD, COI, and EF1 copy...
NEXUS file with the three gene alignment (COI, 16S, and 18S), with 94 taxa (length 5854 bp)
Nexus file of DNA sequence alignments for phased alleles of the intron 5 of the TGFB
Multi-locus alignment of DNA sequences from 79 crocodylians in nexus format. Gene regions are speci...
Multi-locus alignment of DNA sequences from 79 crocodylians in nexus format. Gene regions are speci...
Concatenated text files in nexus format of DNA sequences from 20 loci of 16 species of the Liolaemus...
Concatenated text files in nexus format of DNA sequences from 20 loci of 16 species of the Liolaemus...
This folder contains all of the nucleotide sequence alignments used to generate SNPs in nexus format...
The zip file containes aligned nexus files and individual gene trees obtained following Bayesian ana...
Concatenated alignment of 40 taxa and 2447 characters from six gene regions. Includes MrBayes block
Concatenated alignment of 40 taxa and 2447 characters from six gene regions. Includes MrBayes block
Alignment of 12S and ND-5 sequence data in nexus format. Taxon names consist of the first two letter...
DNA sequence alignment for the concatenated dataset with three genes in nexus format
Concatenated text files in nexus format of phased DNA sequences from 19 nuclear loci of 16 species o...
Concatenated text files in nexus format of phased DNA sequences from 19 nuclear loci of 16 species o...
Nexus file with alignment of seven concatenated genes: NAK, Opsin, PolII, Wg, CAD, COI, and EF1 copy...
NEXUS file with the three gene alignment (COI, 16S, and 18S), with 94 taxa (length 5854 bp)
Nexus file of DNA sequence alignments for phased alleles of the intron 5 of the TGFB
Multi-locus alignment of DNA sequences from 79 crocodylians in nexus format. Gene regions are speci...
Multi-locus alignment of DNA sequences from 79 crocodylians in nexus format. Gene regions are speci...
Concatenated text files in nexus format of DNA sequences from 20 loci of 16 species of the Liolaemus...
Concatenated text files in nexus format of DNA sequences from 20 loci of 16 species of the Liolaemus...
This folder contains all of the nucleotide sequence alignments used to generate SNPs in nexus format...
The zip file containes aligned nexus files and individual gene trees obtained following Bayesian ana...
Concatenated alignment of 40 taxa and 2447 characters from six gene regions. Includes MrBayes block
Concatenated alignment of 40 taxa and 2447 characters from six gene regions. Includes MrBayes block
Alignment of 12S and ND-5 sequence data in nexus format. Taxon names consist of the first two letter...
DNA sequence alignment for the concatenated dataset with three genes in nexus format
Concatenated text files in nexus format of phased DNA sequences from 19 nuclear loci of 16 species o...
Concatenated text files in nexus format of phased DNA sequences from 19 nuclear loci of 16 species o...
Nexus file with alignment of seven concatenated genes: NAK, Opsin, PolII, Wg, CAD, COI, and EF1 copy...
NEXUS file with the three gene alignment (COI, 16S, and 18S), with 94 taxa (length 5854 bp)
Nexus file of DNA sequence alignments for phased alleles of the intron 5 of the TGFB