This table records the number of sequence reads belonging to each OTU, across each of 48 samples. Only OTUs present in at least 50% of samples are included here. Sample labels provide information on host plant species sampled (digits 1-2; Ag = Andropogon gerardii, Ss = Schizachyrium scoparium, Lc = Lespedeza capitata, Lp = Lupinus perennis), the plot sampled (digits 3-5), the within plot replicate (digit 6), and the plant species richness to which that plot was originally planted (digits 7-8). OTU001 through OTU056 are from the Streptomyces dataset. OTU057 through OTU626 are from the total bacterial dataset
<p>*Average abundance is presented for each OTU for oiled and reference areas. Average abundance was...
OTU-table for 16S sequences amplified with the 515f/907r primer set. Only forward reads were used to...
Rarefied OTU x sampleID tables (there are 6 tables for 6 taxonomic levels, species through phylum. L...
This table records the number of sequence reads belonging to each OTU, across each of 48 samples. On...
A: OTU table showing the 2099 OTUs after rarefaction and removing ‘water’ contaminants (see Methods ...
Table S1 Sample identifying barcodes. Table S2 Species identification for fungal operational taxonom...
<p>[A-C] for the full data set and [D-F] for a smaller data set after rarefying (randomised downsamp...
<p>Reads that did not result in a BLAST hit against the UNITE or INSD databases were indicated as “n...
<p>Each sequence set was rarefied to 200 sequences per sample, and the number of different OTUs asse...
<p>Occurrence of genera in 19 samples identified by sequencing (a). A genus was included if it reach...
Distribution of the abundance of OTU 1–14 and Puccinia striiformis in the single leaf samples.</p
This file contains the number of species and abundances from 23 taxonomic lineages on each study plo...
A) Sequence abundance (bars) and OTU affiliation (dots) with fungal phyla in 13 temperate European t...
<p><b></b>values are shown separately for the datasets of respective cut-off similarities of host pl...
<p>OTUs present in greater than one third of all tick samples were considered broadly distributed. O...
<p>*Average abundance is presented for each OTU for oiled and reference areas. Average abundance was...
OTU-table for 16S sequences amplified with the 515f/907r primer set. Only forward reads were used to...
Rarefied OTU x sampleID tables (there are 6 tables for 6 taxonomic levels, species through phylum. L...
This table records the number of sequence reads belonging to each OTU, across each of 48 samples. On...
A: OTU table showing the 2099 OTUs after rarefaction and removing ‘water’ contaminants (see Methods ...
Table S1 Sample identifying barcodes. Table S2 Species identification for fungal operational taxonom...
<p>[A-C] for the full data set and [D-F] for a smaller data set after rarefying (randomised downsamp...
<p>Reads that did not result in a BLAST hit against the UNITE or INSD databases were indicated as “n...
<p>Each sequence set was rarefied to 200 sequences per sample, and the number of different OTUs asse...
<p>Occurrence of genera in 19 samples identified by sequencing (a). A genus was included if it reach...
Distribution of the abundance of OTU 1–14 and Puccinia striiformis in the single leaf samples.</p
This file contains the number of species and abundances from 23 taxonomic lineages on each study plo...
A) Sequence abundance (bars) and OTU affiliation (dots) with fungal phyla in 13 temperate European t...
<p><b></b>values are shown separately for the datasets of respective cut-off similarities of host pl...
<p>OTUs present in greater than one third of all tick samples were considered broadly distributed. O...
<p>*Average abundance is presented for each OTU for oiled and reference areas. Average abundance was...
OTU-table for 16S sequences amplified with the 515f/907r primer set. Only forward reads were used to...
Rarefied OTU x sampleID tables (there are 6 tables for 6 taxonomic levels, species through phylum. L...