<p><em><strong>Tenthredo capistrata</strong></em> Konow, 1907<br>Tenthredo capistrata Konow, 1907b: 171–172. Syntypes ♂ ♀, “Sikkim”. Lectotype ♀ (MNCN_Ent 100193, MNCN Cat. Tipos Nº 8126).<br>Type locality: India, Sikkim. (Paralectotype: ♂? (SDEI, see http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.787732, without abdomen), same data as the lectotype.)</p> <p>Complete views, details, and labels of this specimen.<br>Photos were taken at the MNCN with a Leica DFC 420C digital camera attached to a M80 compound microscope. Composite images with an extended depth of field were created from stacks of images using the software CombineZ5.3, and finally arranged and partly enhanced with Ulead PhotoImpact X3.<br>The work at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Natur...