<p>The tree was obtained by the neighbor-joining algorithm using the MEGA 5.2 program. Bootstrap values calculated from 1,000 replicates were given. The scale bar corresponded to 0.1 estimated amino-acid substitutions per site.</p
. Neighbor-joining minimum evolution tree (ME-score = 1.750) with bootstrap values (percentage of 10...
<p>The branches were statistically evaluated by bootstrap analysis. All sequences were from GenBank....
<p>The sequences were aligned using the MUSCLE algorithm and a neighbor joining tree was generated u...
<p>A total of 19 representative sequences were randomly selected and used as references for phylogen...
<p>The tree is reconstructed using the neighbor-joining method and bootstrap analysis is carried out...
<p>The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method by MEGA 6.0 based on 1372...
<p>The tree was constructed using the neighbour-joining method with MEGA 6.0, and bootstrap values s...
<p>The tree was constructed using an amino acid multiple alignment using the ClustalW algorithm and ...
<p>A multiple alignment of protein sequences from Arabidopsis (At), rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i>, Os), ...
<p>The numbers near the branch represent bootstrap percentages. The topology was tested using bootst...
The neighbor-joining tree was based on 600 nt L segment sequences and constructed using MEGA 7 softw...
<p>The numbers at the nodes are the levels of bootstrap support (%) based on the neighbor-joining an...
<p>The phylogenetic tree was constructed based on a JTT matrix with 1000 bootstrap replicates by MEG...
<p>The phylogram was constructed with the MEGA 5.05 software using the neighbor-joining method based...
<p>The phylogenetic trees were generated from amino acid sequences using the Neighbor-joining, minim...
. Neighbor-joining minimum evolution tree (ME-score = 1.750) with bootstrap values (percentage of 10...
<p>The branches were statistically evaluated by bootstrap analysis. All sequences were from GenBank....
<p>The sequences were aligned using the MUSCLE algorithm and a neighbor joining tree was generated u...
<p>A total of 19 representative sequences were randomly selected and used as references for phylogen...
<p>The tree is reconstructed using the neighbor-joining method and bootstrap analysis is carried out...
<p>The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method by MEGA 6.0 based on 1372...
<p>The tree was constructed using the neighbour-joining method with MEGA 6.0, and bootstrap values s...
<p>The tree was constructed using an amino acid multiple alignment using the ClustalW algorithm and ...
<p>A multiple alignment of protein sequences from Arabidopsis (At), rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i>, Os), ...
<p>The numbers near the branch represent bootstrap percentages. The topology was tested using bootst...
The neighbor-joining tree was based on 600 nt L segment sequences and constructed using MEGA 7 softw...
<p>The numbers at the nodes are the levels of bootstrap support (%) based on the neighbor-joining an...
<p>The phylogenetic tree was constructed based on a JTT matrix with 1000 bootstrap replicates by MEG...
<p>The phylogram was constructed with the MEGA 5.05 software using the neighbor-joining method based...
<p>The phylogenetic trees were generated from amino acid sequences using the Neighbor-joining, minim...
. Neighbor-joining minimum evolution tree (ME-score = 1.750) with bootstrap values (percentage of 10...
<p>The branches were statistically evaluated by bootstrap analysis. All sequences were from GenBank....
<p>The sequences were aligned using the MUSCLE algorithm and a neighbor joining tree was generated u...