<p>t-values and Cohens'd of parameter threshold combinations for patients and healthy subjects.</p
<p>Analysis of group-level transition-parameter values for different subject-breast pairings.</p
Parameter values used to determine the internal effective dose for various sub-populations.</p
<p>t-values, x<sup>2</sup>-values, and p-values of the control variables of Study 2.</p
<p>The plot shows the effect size of each tested parameter threshold combination utilizing Cohens' d...
<p>Values of Cohen's d for the group comparisons in task parameters (*variables in which the group f...
<p>The threshold values of Moran’s index, Geary’s coefficient and the revised results.</p
<p>Clinicopathological parameters and quality scores of sutides comparing mTOR/p-mTOR positive GC wi...
<p>Model calculations compared to data, with combination therapy prediction using parameters derived...
<p>Parameter estimates for theoretical model applied to simulated data for various TTC thresholds.</...
Disposition of subjects and selected baseline laboratory parameters in healthy volunteers and CKD pa...
<p>Cohen kappa coefficients for the concordance of the evaluation of pathological images.</p
Parameter estimates from the best-fitting model combining target cells and T cells.</p
Threshold values of influential parameters on the model results of a cost-effective strategy.</p
<p>The list of parameter values used for mono-factorial sensitivity analysis.</p
Description of additional variables and parameters used in calculation of adjusted Ct values.</p
<p>Analysis of group-level transition-parameter values for different subject-breast pairings.</p
Parameter values used to determine the internal effective dose for various sub-populations.</p
<p>t-values, x<sup>2</sup>-values, and p-values of the control variables of Study 2.</p
<p>The plot shows the effect size of each tested parameter threshold combination utilizing Cohens' d...
<p>Values of Cohen's d for the group comparisons in task parameters (*variables in which the group f...
<p>The threshold values of Moran’s index, Geary’s coefficient and the revised results.</p
<p>Clinicopathological parameters and quality scores of sutides comparing mTOR/p-mTOR positive GC wi...
<p>Model calculations compared to data, with combination therapy prediction using parameters derived...
<p>Parameter estimates for theoretical model applied to simulated data for various TTC thresholds.</...
Disposition of subjects and selected baseline laboratory parameters in healthy volunteers and CKD pa...
<p>Cohen kappa coefficients for the concordance of the evaluation of pathological images.</p
Parameter estimates from the best-fitting model combining target cells and T cells.</p
Threshold values of influential parameters on the model results of a cost-effective strategy.</p
<p>The list of parameter values used for mono-factorial sensitivity analysis.</p
Description of additional variables and parameters used in calculation of adjusted Ct values.</p
<p>Analysis of group-level transition-parameter values for different subject-breast pairings.</p
Parameter values used to determine the internal effective dose for various sub-populations.</p
<p>t-values, x<sup>2</sup>-values, and p-values of the control variables of Study 2.</p