a<p>CI = Binomial exact 95% Confidence Intervals; SR = sampling round;</p>b<p>SR 1 = June 2009 sampling,</p>c<p>SR 2 = November 2009 Sampling;</p>d<p>SR 3 = July 2010 Sampling.</p
Data are fitted using a loess smoother function and 95% confidence intervals (grey shaded area). RFT...
A, percentage and numbers of participants with anti-JEV IgM in each district, with 95% confidence in...
1<p>n/N: responders (n) as proportion of the (sub-)population (N).</p>2<p>GMT: geometric mean titer;...
a<p>CI = Binomial exact 95% Confidence Intervals;</p>b<p>CI = one-sided, 97.5% confidence interval;<...
a<p>CI = Poisson exact 95% Confidence Intervals;</p>b<p>P1 = June–November period;</p>c<p>P2 = Novem...
<p>R1, R2 and R3 stand for first, second and third rounds of sampling. N and P stand for negative an...
<p>P: Pregnant.</p><p>NP: Non-pregnant.</p><p>GMT: Geometric mean titer.</p><p>GMR: Geometric mean r...
<p>Age-adjusted log10-transformed antibody titer profiles for any <i>P. vivax</i> (blue solid lines)...
<p>Age-adjusted seroprevalence (blue solid lines) using appropriate reversible catalytic models. The...
<p>Antibody concentration (optical density, OD, in the ELISA) was adjusted for background reactivity...
<p>Data (histograms) and model fit (lines) of IgG antibody measurements by age group and sex. Left- ...
<p>*(HAI≥1∶40).</p><p> ̂ Chi square testing the difference in seropositivity between A/California/7/...
The letter presented behind the name of the group indicates the study population as described in the...
<p>Seroprevalence was defined as the percentage of participants with reactive MAT (≥ 1:50) to at lea...
<p>The horizontal axis shows the study areas and the vertical axis show the proportion of sero-posit...
Data are fitted using a loess smoother function and 95% confidence intervals (grey shaded area). RFT...
A, percentage and numbers of participants with anti-JEV IgM in each district, with 95% confidence in...
1<p>n/N: responders (n) as proportion of the (sub-)population (N).</p>2<p>GMT: geometric mean titer;...
a<p>CI = Binomial exact 95% Confidence Intervals;</p>b<p>CI = one-sided, 97.5% confidence interval;<...
a<p>CI = Poisson exact 95% Confidence Intervals;</p>b<p>P1 = June–November period;</p>c<p>P2 = Novem...
<p>R1, R2 and R3 stand for first, second and third rounds of sampling. N and P stand for negative an...
<p>P: Pregnant.</p><p>NP: Non-pregnant.</p><p>GMT: Geometric mean titer.</p><p>GMR: Geometric mean r...
<p>Age-adjusted log10-transformed antibody titer profiles for any <i>P. vivax</i> (blue solid lines)...
<p>Age-adjusted seroprevalence (blue solid lines) using appropriate reversible catalytic models. The...
<p>Antibody concentration (optical density, OD, in the ELISA) was adjusted for background reactivity...
<p>Data (histograms) and model fit (lines) of IgG antibody measurements by age group and sex. Left- ...
<p>*(HAI≥1∶40).</p><p> ̂ Chi square testing the difference in seropositivity between A/California/7/...
The letter presented behind the name of the group indicates the study population as described in the...
<p>Seroprevalence was defined as the percentage of participants with reactive MAT (≥ 1:50) to at lea...
<p>The horizontal axis shows the study areas and the vertical axis show the proportion of sero-posit...
Data are fitted using a loess smoother function and 95% confidence intervals (grey shaded area). RFT...
A, percentage and numbers of participants with anti-JEV IgM in each district, with 95% confidence in...
1<p>n/N: responders (n) as proportion of the (sub-)population (N).</p>2<p>GMT: geometric mean titer;...