Detection of Almond Allergen Coding Sequences in Processed Foods by Real Time PCR

  • Nuria Prieto (2106817)
  • Elisa Iniesto (2106811)
  • Carmen Burbano (2106805)
  • Beatriz Cabanillas (2106808)
  • Mercedes M. Pedrosa (2106826)
  • Mercè Rovira (2106823)
  • Julia Rodríguez (2106820)
  • Mercedes Muzquiz (2106829)
  • Jesus F. Crespo (2106799)
  • Carmen Cuadrado (2106814)
  • Rosario Linacero (2106802)
Publication date
June 2014


The aim of this work was to develop and analytically validate a quantitative RT-PCR method, using novel primer sets designed on Pru du 1, Pru du 3, Pru du 4, and Pru du 6 allergen-coding sequences, and contrast the sensitivity and specificity of these probes. The temperature and/or pressure processing influence on the ability to detect these almond allergen targets was also analyzed. All primers allowed a specific and accurate amplification of these sequences. The specificity was assessed by amplifying DNA from almond, different <i>Prunus</i> species and other common plant food ingredients. The detection limit was 1 ppm in unprocessed almond kernels. The method’s robustness and sensitivity were confirmed using spiked samples. Thermal treatm...

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