<p>Differentiation profiles for the functional differentiation measures (left panel) and (right panel) as a function of order <i>q</i> for three pairs of habitats (EM vs. MO, EM vs. TR and MO vs. TR.)</p
<p>Rarefaction curves of the diversification rates (γ-statistic) for AOB and AOA in the different ha...
<p>Because of the steep part (cliff) of function (a), the optimal trait value (red phenotypic distri...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Location pairwise D values for the mitochondrial (below diagonal) and microsatellite (...
<p>All the profiles show a consistent diversity pattern about the ordering of the three habitats: TR...
<p> = 0.550 and = 0.535 for the pair (EM, MO); = 0.561, = 0.537 for the pair (EM, TR); = 0.574, ...
<p>Dissimilarity in morphological traits between species of same foraging guild (upper panel) and be...
<p>(a) Tree based on Life History Traits (b) Tree based on functional Niche traits (c) Tree based on...
Side-to-stide comparison within the three studied groups in terms of analysed parameters.</p
<p>Results showing the mean values (SD) of the five stand structural attributes included in the inde...
<p>Black triangles symbolize the diversity index values calculated for the group of the 305 invasive...
Pairwise genetic differentiation (FST) of T. officinale populations of different regions (below diag...
<p>Non-serpentine substrates are represented by solid circles and black lines, serpentine substrates...
<p>Partition of FD into inter- and intra-specific variability (difference between Total—inter-specif...
<p>Coefficient of Type I (above diagonal) and Type II (below diagonal) functional divergence for Fpg...
<p>The solid circle and solid line (green), solid square and dotted line (yellow) and solid triangle...
<p>Rarefaction curves of the diversification rates (γ-statistic) for AOB and AOA in the different ha...
<p>Because of the steep part (cliff) of function (a), the optimal trait value (red phenotypic distri...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Location pairwise D values for the mitochondrial (below diagonal) and microsatellite (...
<p>All the profiles show a consistent diversity pattern about the ordering of the three habitats: TR...
<p> = 0.550 and = 0.535 for the pair (EM, MO); = 0.561, = 0.537 for the pair (EM, TR); = 0.574, ...
<p>Dissimilarity in morphological traits between species of same foraging guild (upper panel) and be...
<p>(a) Tree based on Life History Traits (b) Tree based on functional Niche traits (c) Tree based on...
Side-to-stide comparison within the three studied groups in terms of analysed parameters.</p
<p>Results showing the mean values (SD) of the five stand structural attributes included in the inde...
<p>Black triangles symbolize the diversity index values calculated for the group of the 305 invasive...
Pairwise genetic differentiation (FST) of T. officinale populations of different regions (below diag...
<p>Non-serpentine substrates are represented by solid circles and black lines, serpentine substrates...
<p>Partition of FD into inter- and intra-specific variability (difference between Total—inter-specif...
<p>Coefficient of Type I (above diagonal) and Type II (below diagonal) functional divergence for Fpg...
<p>The solid circle and solid line (green), solid square and dotted line (yellow) and solid triangle...
<p>Rarefaction curves of the diversification rates (γ-statistic) for AOB and AOA in the different ha...
<p>Because of the steep part (cliff) of function (a), the optimal trait value (red phenotypic distri...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Location pairwise D values for the mitochondrial (below diagonal) and microsatellite (...