<p>The number (n) of samples is indicated for each test. When n<10, no statistical analyses were carried out. Data are means ± standard error.</p><p>***: Differences were significant at >0.001 level.</p
<p>Values are presented as mean±standard errors. SOC = Soil Organic Carbon; STN = Soil totoal ni...
<p>Different superscripts (a, b) show mean differences within a horizon (P < 0.05).</p
<p>Bold values are averages, one standard deviation in parentheses.</p><p>Means of samples taken at ...
<p>Values in the parentheses indicate standard error (n = 3). Difference letters indicate statistica...
<p><sup>a</sup>,: mean of five sites ± standard error.</p><p>*: the difference between forest soil a...
<p>Columns represent the average variability (±SE) of an element in Col-0 control seeds under a spec...
<p>The results are presented as mean ± SD. In a row, values with the same letters are not significan...
<p>Notes: Soil type data from NRCS Soil Surveys for Polk and Benton Counties. Soil chemical variable...
<p>The results are presented as mean ± SD. In a row, values with the same letters are not significan...
<p>Different letters in the same column indicate statistical significant differences (P<0.05).</p
<p><sup>a</sup> Seasonal average value</p><p><sup>b</sup> S: Shang shoals of Jiuduansha, X: Xia shoa...
<p>Data are presented as average ± s.e. Data followed by the same letter are not significantly diffe...
<p>The symbols of **, * and <i>ns</i> indicate the levels of significant differences between referen...
<p>Note: the values are given as mean ± standard error. AN: available nitrogen; AP: available phosph...
<p>Error bar represents one standard error of the mean. Different upper-case letters denote signific...
<p>Values are presented as mean±standard errors. SOC = Soil Organic Carbon; STN = Soil totoal ni...
<p>Different superscripts (a, b) show mean differences within a horizon (P < 0.05).</p
<p>Bold values are averages, one standard deviation in parentheses.</p><p>Means of samples taken at ...
<p>Values in the parentheses indicate standard error (n = 3). Difference letters indicate statistica...
<p><sup>a</sup>,: mean of five sites ± standard error.</p><p>*: the difference between forest soil a...
<p>Columns represent the average variability (±SE) of an element in Col-0 control seeds under a spec...
<p>The results are presented as mean ± SD. In a row, values with the same letters are not significan...
<p>Notes: Soil type data from NRCS Soil Surveys for Polk and Benton Counties. Soil chemical variable...
<p>The results are presented as mean ± SD. In a row, values with the same letters are not significan...
<p>Different letters in the same column indicate statistical significant differences (P<0.05).</p
<p><sup>a</sup> Seasonal average value</p><p><sup>b</sup> S: Shang shoals of Jiuduansha, X: Xia shoa...
<p>Data are presented as average ± s.e. Data followed by the same letter are not significantly diffe...
<p>The symbols of **, * and <i>ns</i> indicate the levels of significant differences between referen...
<p>Note: the values are given as mean ± standard error. AN: available nitrogen; AP: available phosph...
<p>Error bar represents one standard error of the mean. Different upper-case letters denote signific...
<p>Values are presented as mean±standard errors. SOC = Soil Organic Carbon; STN = Soil totoal ni...
<p>Different superscripts (a, b) show mean differences within a horizon (P < 0.05).</p
<p>Bold values are averages, one standard deviation in parentheses.</p><p>Means of samples taken at ...