<p>Distributions of sizes of flocks entering and leaving pre-roosts during A) the breeding season, and B) the post-breeding season (error bars are 95% CIs).</p
<p>Mean brood size of individual isolates correlated with percentage of the population that is ferti...
<p>The data points have been slightly offset to allow the standard error bars to be clearly distingu...
<p>Bars in panel <b>A</b> show the empirical data obtained under experimental conditions; the data c...
<p>Proportions of flocks of different sizes during sunrise (departing from the roost), sunset (arriv...
<p>There was a significant interaction between time of day and breeding season in affecting average ...
<p>The mean number of eggs laid, hatched, and chicks fledged per nest by type of social mating syste...
<p>Mean apparent nest density (number/ha) and standard errors (in parentheses) for obligate grasslan...
<p>Each season is represented as a mean with the error bars representing standard error. We did not ...
Both observed (black bars) and expected by chance based on the null model (white bars) are showed fo...
<p>a) average spawning probability, b) average clutch size per day, and c) average egg fertilization...
<p>Grazer density (mean number ± SE per m<sup>2</sup>) over the whole season in unmanipulated (U), l...
(A) Mean body weight (g) of males at release and (B) percent age-2 minijacks among males for BYs 199...
<p>Model-based predictions of fledging brood size at 5%, median, and 95% observed values of forest c...
<p>Error bars are ±1 SE. Bars with the same letter above them are not significantly different.</p
<p>Frequency distribution of animal treatment days (ATC)/cycle per broiler flock for one grow-out cy...
<p>Mean brood size of individual isolates correlated with percentage of the population that is ferti...
<p>The data points have been slightly offset to allow the standard error bars to be clearly distingu...
<p>Bars in panel <b>A</b> show the empirical data obtained under experimental conditions; the data c...
<p>Proportions of flocks of different sizes during sunrise (departing from the roost), sunset (arriv...
<p>There was a significant interaction between time of day and breeding season in affecting average ...
<p>The mean number of eggs laid, hatched, and chicks fledged per nest by type of social mating syste...
<p>Mean apparent nest density (number/ha) and standard errors (in parentheses) for obligate grasslan...
<p>Each season is represented as a mean with the error bars representing standard error. We did not ...
Both observed (black bars) and expected by chance based on the null model (white bars) are showed fo...
<p>a) average spawning probability, b) average clutch size per day, and c) average egg fertilization...
<p>Grazer density (mean number ± SE per m<sup>2</sup>) over the whole season in unmanipulated (U), l...
(A) Mean body weight (g) of males at release and (B) percent age-2 minijacks among males for BYs 199...
<p>Model-based predictions of fledging brood size at 5%, median, and 95% observed values of forest c...
<p>Error bars are ±1 SE. Bars with the same letter above them are not significantly different.</p
<p>Frequency distribution of animal treatment days (ATC)/cycle per broiler flock for one grow-out cy...
<p>Mean brood size of individual isolates correlated with percentage of the population that is ferti...
<p>The data points have been slightly offset to allow the standard error bars to be clearly distingu...
<p>Bars in panel <b>A</b> show the empirical data obtained under experimental conditions; the data c...