<p>CpG islands represent green bar (a). A representative pyrogram from a clinical sample (b).</p
<p>A, Plot of GC content in overlapping 200 bp windows. B, Locations of repeat sequences, as shown i...
<p>Two COPD strains (6P18H1 and 7P49H1) and two throat strains (22-1.21, 22-4.21) were sequence usin...
<p>[A] Schematic of the four CpG sites in the promoter region of the PTN gene are indicated by the h...
<p>Open and filled circles represent unmethylated and methylated CpG sites, respectively. Transcript...
<p>Analyzed CpG sites are bolded and numbered from 1 through 5. Coordinates are based on the GRCh37 ...
<p>The portion analyzed by bisulfite pyrosequencing is shown in bold. The CpGs are underlined and nu...
<p>Vertical bars label the position of the CpGs in the PPV genome. Height of the bars represents the...
<p>(A) Top: <i>ADAM12</i> gene structure and distribution of CpG dinucleotides. Short vertical bars ...
<p>The results of bisulfite sequencing of the CGIs in representative samples in each sample group ar...
<p><i>A</i>, DNA sequence of <i>hTREX84</i> regulator regions. CpG sites are shown in green color. N...
<p>Gray squares and dotted squares indicate exons and CGIs, respectively. The black horizontal bar i...
<p>Arrow indicates the location of the nucleotide changes. Partial sequence chromatogram (A) represe...
<p>Amino acid sequence of 6C6D7 light and heavy chain variable regions are shown with CDRs marked. T...
<p>Each probe set (i.e. collection of all probes hybridizing to USA300 genes) is represented by a si...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Bisulfite clone sequencing of the 392 bp fragment of the <i>p16</i> CpG island in AGS ...
<p>A, Plot of GC content in overlapping 200 bp windows. B, Locations of repeat sequences, as shown i...
<p>Two COPD strains (6P18H1 and 7P49H1) and two throat strains (22-1.21, 22-4.21) were sequence usin...
<p>[A] Schematic of the four CpG sites in the promoter region of the PTN gene are indicated by the h...
<p>Open and filled circles represent unmethylated and methylated CpG sites, respectively. Transcript...
<p>Analyzed CpG sites are bolded and numbered from 1 through 5. Coordinates are based on the GRCh37 ...
<p>The portion analyzed by bisulfite pyrosequencing is shown in bold. The CpGs are underlined and nu...
<p>Vertical bars label the position of the CpGs in the PPV genome. Height of the bars represents the...
<p>(A) Top: <i>ADAM12</i> gene structure and distribution of CpG dinucleotides. Short vertical bars ...
<p>The results of bisulfite sequencing of the CGIs in representative samples in each sample group ar...
<p><i>A</i>, DNA sequence of <i>hTREX84</i> regulator regions. CpG sites are shown in green color. N...
<p>Gray squares and dotted squares indicate exons and CGIs, respectively. The black horizontal bar i...
<p>Arrow indicates the location of the nucleotide changes. Partial sequence chromatogram (A) represe...
<p>Amino acid sequence of 6C6D7 light and heavy chain variable regions are shown with CDRs marked. T...
<p>Each probe set (i.e. collection of all probes hybridizing to USA300 genes) is represented by a si...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Bisulfite clone sequencing of the 392 bp fragment of the <i>p16</i> CpG island in AGS ...
<p>A, Plot of GC content in overlapping 200 bp windows. B, Locations of repeat sequences, as shown i...
<p>Two COPD strains (6P18H1 and 7P49H1) and two throat strains (22-1.21, 22-4.21) were sequence usin...
<p>[A] Schematic of the four CpG sites in the promoter region of the PTN gene are indicated by the h...