<p>Unrelated variables (Correlation ≤0.80) used for the study BIO3, BIO7, BIO 11, BIO 15, BIO 18, BIO 19, LULC.</p><p>Correlation matrix of altitude and bioclimatic variables.</p
<p>ns - non-significant;</p><p>*significant at P<0.05;</p><p>**significant at P<0.01;</p><p>***signi...
<p>0.7, 0.8, 0.9 refer to threshold of the maximum correlation (Spearman’s rank) between BioClim var...
<p>Pearson correlation coefficients showing the relationship between OUES and anthropometric variabl...
<p>Correlation matrix between metabolic and anthropometric characteristics of study participants.</p
Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used for quantitative variables and normally distributed var...
<p>Correlation matrix (Spearman) among physical, chemical and biological variables.</p
Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) between bioclimatic variables [matrix X: Bio 1 (°C), maximum te...
Correlation analysis between groups of dendrometric variables of Agave lechuguilla Torr. and bioclim...
<p>Correlation values of each climatic variable with the two first axes of the principal components ...
<p><sup>a</sup>Mean annual air temperature</p><p><sup>b</sup>relative humidity</p><p><sup>c</sup>win...
<p>A representative extract from the full matrix showing both the correlations between normalised ge...
<p>Legend: The Spearman rank-order correlation coefficients Hemi-Matrix for mutual, cross inter-rela...
<p>Pearson correlation coefficients between all climate and land-use variables. Variables in bold in...
<p>Correlation matrix for asthma prevalence in US adult population, latitude, longitude, air polluti...
<p>Pearson's correlation between average hourly temperature, UVB irradiance (n = 22) and relative hu...
<p>ns - non-significant;</p><p>*significant at P<0.05;</p><p>**significant at P<0.01;</p><p>***signi...
<p>0.7, 0.8, 0.9 refer to threshold of the maximum correlation (Spearman’s rank) between BioClim var...
<p>Pearson correlation coefficients showing the relationship between OUES and anthropometric variabl...
<p>Correlation matrix between metabolic and anthropometric characteristics of study participants.</p
Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used for quantitative variables and normally distributed var...
<p>Correlation matrix (Spearman) among physical, chemical and biological variables.</p
Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) between bioclimatic variables [matrix X: Bio 1 (°C), maximum te...
Correlation analysis between groups of dendrometric variables of Agave lechuguilla Torr. and bioclim...
<p>Correlation values of each climatic variable with the two first axes of the principal components ...
<p><sup>a</sup>Mean annual air temperature</p><p><sup>b</sup>relative humidity</p><p><sup>c</sup>win...
<p>A representative extract from the full matrix showing both the correlations between normalised ge...
<p>Legend: The Spearman rank-order correlation coefficients Hemi-Matrix for mutual, cross inter-rela...
<p>Pearson correlation coefficients between all climate and land-use variables. Variables in bold in...
<p>Correlation matrix for asthma prevalence in US adult population, latitude, longitude, air polluti...
<p>Pearson's correlation between average hourly temperature, UVB irradiance (n = 22) and relative hu...
<p>ns - non-significant;</p><p>*significant at P<0.05;</p><p>**significant at P<0.01;</p><p>***signi...
<p>0.7, 0.8, 0.9 refer to threshold of the maximum correlation (Spearman’s rank) between BioClim var...
<p>Pearson correlation coefficients showing the relationship between OUES and anthropometric variabl...