<p>Diffusion coefficient values of the particles corresponding to GFP, CheY and FabD plotted against time.</p
AbstractComplex diffusive dynamics are often observed when one is investigating the mobility of macr...
<p>The D and α values are given as means +/- SD for 800 correlation curves in 16 cells (FCS) and 40 ...
<p>a) Distribution of diffusion coefficients for all trajectories for control fluorescent BTX-labele...
<p>Diffusion coefficient values for three proteins with and without considering hydrodynamic interac...
<p>(b) The mean correlated diffusion coefficient (solid symbols) and (open symbols) as a function ...
<p>Diffusion coefficients (mean ± standard error) estimated from FRAP data for polymersomes formed f...
<p>Different symbols represent data for different particles. The solid lines show the second-order p...
<p>a) Calculated diffusion coefficients. Data points represent the mean ± SEM. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001....
<p>The solid lines with slopes are visual guides. The geometry of measuring the correlated diffusio...
<p>Kinetic parameters and diffusion coefficients for Fc/Fc<sup>+</sup> and Cc<sup>+</sup>/Cc in DESs...
<p>FRAP-based estimation of diffusion coefficient values (A) and mobile fraction (B) of eGFP and NCp...
<p>Microscopic and macroscopic diffusion coefficient data for various healthy and sickle cell erythr...
<p>The figure shows the diffusion coefficients of the eGFP oligomers (blue squares) plotted against ...
<p>Observed variation in the diffusion coefficient of LFA-1 in single particle tracking trajectories...
<p>Each symbol number represents data from an appropriate line of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/ar...
AbstractComplex diffusive dynamics are often observed when one is investigating the mobility of macr...
<p>The D and α values are given as means +/- SD for 800 correlation curves in 16 cells (FCS) and 40 ...
<p>a) Distribution of diffusion coefficients for all trajectories for control fluorescent BTX-labele...
<p>Diffusion coefficient values for three proteins with and without considering hydrodynamic interac...
<p>(b) The mean correlated diffusion coefficient (solid symbols) and (open symbols) as a function ...
<p>Diffusion coefficients (mean ± standard error) estimated from FRAP data for polymersomes formed f...
<p>Different symbols represent data for different particles. The solid lines show the second-order p...
<p>a) Calculated diffusion coefficients. Data points represent the mean ± SEM. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001....
<p>The solid lines with slopes are visual guides. The geometry of measuring the correlated diffusio...
<p>Kinetic parameters and diffusion coefficients for Fc/Fc<sup>+</sup> and Cc<sup>+</sup>/Cc in DESs...
<p>FRAP-based estimation of diffusion coefficient values (A) and mobile fraction (B) of eGFP and NCp...
<p>Microscopic and macroscopic diffusion coefficient data for various healthy and sickle cell erythr...
<p>The figure shows the diffusion coefficients of the eGFP oligomers (blue squares) plotted against ...
<p>Observed variation in the diffusion coefficient of LFA-1 in single particle tracking trajectories...
<p>Each symbol number represents data from an appropriate line of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/ar...
AbstractComplex diffusive dynamics are often observed when one is investigating the mobility of macr...
<p>The D and α values are given as means +/- SD for 800 correlation curves in 16 cells (FCS) and 40 ...
<p>a) Distribution of diffusion coefficients for all trajectories for control fluorescent BTX-labele...