ER Binding and H3R26 citrullination are highly correlated after estrogen treatment.

  • Michael J. Guertin (175497)
  • Xuesen Zhang (148860)
  • Lynne Anguish (230103)
  • Sohyoung Kim (253617)
  • Lyuba Varticovski (45832)
  • John T. Lis (7283)
  • Gordon L. Hager (259791)
  • Scott A. Coonrod (148879)
Publication date
September 2014


<p>A) Ninety–five percent of ER peaks overlap H3R26Cit peaks (red bar). B) The H3R26Cit raw intensity is strongly correlated (Pearson coefficient of 0.92) with ER intensity at ER peaks that overlap H3R26Cit peaks (red points); grey points are not enriched for H3R26Cit. C) The composite H3R26Cit signal is centered on the ER summit at ER binding sites that overlap H3R26Cit peaks (red trace). In contrast, the grey trace is composite H3R26Cit signal at the 5% of ER peaks that do not overlap H3R26Cit peaks. D) Forty-seven percent of H3R26Cit peaks overlap ER peaks. E) The ER raw intensity is linearly correlated (Pearson coefficient = 0.94) with H3R26Cit intensity at all H3R26Cit sites. F) The composite ER signal at H3R26Cit binding sites that ov...

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