<p>A, medial view. B, lateral view. C, ventral view. D, dorsal view. E, posterior view. F, anterior view.</p
<p>OMNH 68860 in (descending order) rostral, caudal, ventral, right lateral, dorsal, and left latera...
<p>Left mandible of SDNHM 131041, <i>Pelagiarctos</i> sp. SDNHM in A) lateral, B) medial, and C) dor...
<p>A: lateral view of the right ilium; B: lateral view of the left ilium; C: medial view of the righ...
<p>A, medial view. B, lateral view. C, ventral view. D, dorsal view. E, posterior view. F, anterior ...
<p>C, ventral view. D, medial view, E, lateral view, F, posterior view, G, anterior view.</p
<p>Left lateral views of the type skull, OM GL 421, <i>Otekaikea marplesi</i>.</p
<p>A, dorsal view. B, posterior process superimposed on figure 13A in proposed life position, dorsal...
<p>A–C, right mandible. A, lateral view. B, posterior view. C, medial view. D and E, left mandible. ...
<p>A, first thoracic vertebra. B second thoracic vertebra. C, third thoracic vertebra. D, a posterio...
<p>A–E, anterior views, F–J, lateral views, K–H, dorsal views. A, F and K, atlas. B, G and L, axis. ...
<p><b>A</b>, posterior; <b>B</b>, anterior; <b>C</b>, medial; and <b>D</b>, oblique medial views.</p
<p>Left quadratojugal (PMU 24705/1i [formerly PMU R 233 z]) of <i>Euhelopus zdanskyi</i> in rostral ...
<p>(a) ventral view; (b) dorsal view; (c) lateral view. The paratype is above and the holotype is be...
<p>A more detailed posterior basicranial illustration is in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/...
<p>Left metatarsal I in: lateral (A & B); medial (C & D); ventral (E & F); dorsal (G &am...
<p>OMNH 68860 in (descending order) rostral, caudal, ventral, right lateral, dorsal, and left latera...
<p>Left mandible of SDNHM 131041, <i>Pelagiarctos</i> sp. SDNHM in A) lateral, B) medial, and C) dor...
<p>A: lateral view of the right ilium; B: lateral view of the left ilium; C: medial view of the righ...
<p>A, medial view. B, lateral view. C, ventral view. D, dorsal view. E, posterior view. F, anterior ...
<p>C, ventral view. D, medial view, E, lateral view, F, posterior view, G, anterior view.</p
<p>Left lateral views of the type skull, OM GL 421, <i>Otekaikea marplesi</i>.</p
<p>A, dorsal view. B, posterior process superimposed on figure 13A in proposed life position, dorsal...
<p>A–C, right mandible. A, lateral view. B, posterior view. C, medial view. D and E, left mandible. ...
<p>A, first thoracic vertebra. B second thoracic vertebra. C, third thoracic vertebra. D, a posterio...
<p>A–E, anterior views, F–J, lateral views, K–H, dorsal views. A, F and K, atlas. B, G and L, axis. ...
<p><b>A</b>, posterior; <b>B</b>, anterior; <b>C</b>, medial; and <b>D</b>, oblique medial views.</p
<p>Left quadratojugal (PMU 24705/1i [formerly PMU R 233 z]) of <i>Euhelopus zdanskyi</i> in rostral ...
<p>(a) ventral view; (b) dorsal view; (c) lateral view. The paratype is above and the holotype is be...
<p>A more detailed posterior basicranial illustration is in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/...
<p>Left metatarsal I in: lateral (A & B); medial (C & D); ventral (E & F); dorsal (G &am...
<p>OMNH 68860 in (descending order) rostral, caudal, ventral, right lateral, dorsal, and left latera...
<p>Left mandible of SDNHM 131041, <i>Pelagiarctos</i> sp. SDNHM in A) lateral, B) medial, and C) dor...
<p>A: lateral view of the right ilium; B: lateral view of the left ilium; C: medial view of the righ...