MtDNA haplotype data for 13 Atlantic/Mediterranean Chelonia mydas rookeries, from the published literature (see Figure 1 for references)
Nexus file containing the sequences (514 bp) of the 35 unique parcial sequences of Control Region mt...
This dataset includes MtDNA CR sequences of 278 Carcharhinus limbatus, collected during fish market ...
L acervorum MtDNA sequences in nexus haplotype format with population information
MtDNA haplotype data for 13 Atlantic/Mediterranean Chelonia mydas rookeries, from the published lite...
This file contains a table showing mtDNA control region haplotype distributions at 13 breeding sites...
Arlequin microsatellite input file from six Chelonia mydas rookeries in the Atlantic, for 15 loci
Arlequin formatted input file with all mtDNA control region haplotypes recovered, sampling sites and...
DNA sequences of each of the haplotypes identified in this study. This file, in conjunction with the...
Dataset consists of 25 cpDNA haplotypes sampled from 27 populations of Allocasuarina humilis. Haplot...
This is a compressed file folder which includes five files. Of which three files contain sequences o...
A fas file containing the combined COI, COII and ND1 sequences (2016bp) from 406 Matrona basilaris. ...
This dataset includes MtDNA CR sequences of 294 Rhizoprionodon acutus, collected during fish market ...
Additional file 3: Table S1. Overview of Angiostrongylus cantonensis cox1 sequences from GenBank. Se...
The file contains tables of the microsatellite genotypes, mitochondrial DNA sequences and their refe...
This is an Arlequin file that contains counts of each mtDNA haplotype (311 bp cytb) in each collecti...
Nexus file containing the sequences (514 bp) of the 35 unique parcial sequences of Control Region mt...
This dataset includes MtDNA CR sequences of 278 Carcharhinus limbatus, collected during fish market ...
L acervorum MtDNA sequences in nexus haplotype format with population information
MtDNA haplotype data for 13 Atlantic/Mediterranean Chelonia mydas rookeries, from the published lite...
This file contains a table showing mtDNA control region haplotype distributions at 13 breeding sites...
Arlequin microsatellite input file from six Chelonia mydas rookeries in the Atlantic, for 15 loci
Arlequin formatted input file with all mtDNA control region haplotypes recovered, sampling sites and...
DNA sequences of each of the haplotypes identified in this study. This file, in conjunction with the...
Dataset consists of 25 cpDNA haplotypes sampled from 27 populations of Allocasuarina humilis. Haplot...
This is a compressed file folder which includes five files. Of which three files contain sequences o...
A fas file containing the combined COI, COII and ND1 sequences (2016bp) from 406 Matrona basilaris. ...
This dataset includes MtDNA CR sequences of 294 Rhizoprionodon acutus, collected during fish market ...
Additional file 3: Table S1. Overview of Angiostrongylus cantonensis cox1 sequences from GenBank. Se...
The file contains tables of the microsatellite genotypes, mitochondrial DNA sequences and their refe...
This is an Arlequin file that contains counts of each mtDNA haplotype (311 bp cytb) in each collecti...
Nexus file containing the sequences (514 bp) of the 35 unique parcial sequences of Control Region mt...
This dataset includes MtDNA CR sequences of 278 Carcharhinus limbatus, collected during fish market ...
L acervorum MtDNA sequences in nexus haplotype format with population information