Alleles from seven microsatellite loci in SPAGeDi format of ticks collected from nest boxes in woodlots near Antwerp, Belgium. Coordinates are used to indicate instar
This file contains SPAGeDi input for the population-wide SGS analysis (n=315) and the subsetted land...
The endophilic tick Ixodes arboricola infests cavity-nesting birds, and its dispersal strongly depen...
This data consists genotypes obtained from Schistosoma mansoni parasites that were type at nine micr...
Alleles from seven microsatellite loci in SPAGeDi format of ticks collected from nest boxes in woodl...
Alleles from seven microsatellite loci in GenePop format of ticks collected from nest boxes in woodl...
Alleles from seven microsatellite loci in Arlequin format of ticks collected from nest boxes in wood...
This file contains all eight input files used for the Spagedi analyses on the georeferenced Anthylli...
Contains DNA sequences for 100 phased and aligned alleles from the microsatellite locus A27E1 that w...
Microsatellite data set (n=938) follows the SPAGEDI input file format. It contains codes for localit...
Microsatellite genotypes and GPS coordinates of FEMALE African striped mice for fine-scale genetic a...
Microsatellite genotypes and GPS coordinates of MALE African striped mice for fine-scale genetic ana...
SNP data (5026 loci, SPAGeDI format) for the eight populations of Arrhenatherum elatius included in ...
The file can be used in Spagedi to perform fine scale genetic structure analysis, as performed in ou...
Arlequin microsatellite input file from six Chelonia mydas rookeries in the Atlantic, for 15 loci
Microsatellite genotypes from wild stickleback samples collected 2006-2009. Population codes can be ...
This file contains SPAGeDi input for the population-wide SGS analysis (n=315) and the subsetted land...
The endophilic tick Ixodes arboricola infests cavity-nesting birds, and its dispersal strongly depen...
This data consists genotypes obtained from Schistosoma mansoni parasites that were type at nine micr...
Alleles from seven microsatellite loci in SPAGeDi format of ticks collected from nest boxes in woodl...
Alleles from seven microsatellite loci in GenePop format of ticks collected from nest boxes in woodl...
Alleles from seven microsatellite loci in Arlequin format of ticks collected from nest boxes in wood...
This file contains all eight input files used for the Spagedi analyses on the georeferenced Anthylli...
Contains DNA sequences for 100 phased and aligned alleles from the microsatellite locus A27E1 that w...
Microsatellite data set (n=938) follows the SPAGEDI input file format. It contains codes for localit...
Microsatellite genotypes and GPS coordinates of FEMALE African striped mice for fine-scale genetic a...
Microsatellite genotypes and GPS coordinates of MALE African striped mice for fine-scale genetic ana...
SNP data (5026 loci, SPAGeDI format) for the eight populations of Arrhenatherum elatius included in ...
The file can be used in Spagedi to perform fine scale genetic structure analysis, as performed in ou...
Arlequin microsatellite input file from six Chelonia mydas rookeries in the Atlantic, for 15 loci
Microsatellite genotypes from wild stickleback samples collected 2006-2009. Population codes can be ...
This file contains SPAGeDi input for the population-wide SGS analysis (n=315) and the subsetted land...
The endophilic tick Ixodes arboricola infests cavity-nesting birds, and its dispersal strongly depen...
This data consists genotypes obtained from Schistosoma mansoni parasites that were type at nine micr...