<p>** p<0.01, * p<0.05.</p><p>Note: MM = Multimedia WORTH; TD = Traditional WORTH; WP = Wellness Promotion.</p><p>Estimates of Intervention Effects on Sexual Risk Behaviors: Estimates, 95% Confidence Intervals and p-values.</p
<p>RR: risk ratio; PEP: Post-exposure prophylaxis; STD: sexually transmitted disease; SBIRT: screeni...
This meta-analysis is the first to evaluate the predictive properties of dynamic sex offender risk a...
<p>NR: Non-regular.</p><p>Ref: The reference group for the Odds Ratio calculation.</p><p>*Variable i...
<p>Summary of Sexual Risk Behaviors at Baseline, 3-Month, 6-Month and 12-Month Follow-up Assessments...
<p>OR = Odds Ratio; CI = Confidence Interval.</p><p>Statistical test of difference in Odds Ratios by...
<p><i>Note</i>. Raw regression weights are reported with standard errors (in parentheses). Dashes (−...
Age-gap, number of sexual partners, unprotected sex, and STI testing and follow up. Positive values ...
<p>Estimates of condom use effect sizes as a function of moderator dimensions and showing sub-groups...
<p>Percentage and 95% confidence intervals of encounters by sex and problem managed (April 2006–Marc...
*<p>Covariate varied within studies (as well as between studies).</p>**<p>Number of scenarios (N<sub...
<p>Notes: The figures report the percentage of subjects favoring either payments for organs or legal...
that health behavior change progresses in stages, is often used to explore health risk behaviors and...
<p><b>A</b>) Sensitivity of model-predicted intervention effectiveness to antiretroviral therapy (AR...
Unadjusted percent and adjusted odds ratio with corresponding 95% confidence interval predicting HIV...
<p><b>Note</b>:</p><p>** Significant at <i>p</i> ≤ 0.01</p><p>Predictors of perceived sexual risk de...
<p>RR: risk ratio; PEP: Post-exposure prophylaxis; STD: sexually transmitted disease; SBIRT: screeni...
This meta-analysis is the first to evaluate the predictive properties of dynamic sex offender risk a...
<p>NR: Non-regular.</p><p>Ref: The reference group for the Odds Ratio calculation.</p><p>*Variable i...
<p>Summary of Sexual Risk Behaviors at Baseline, 3-Month, 6-Month and 12-Month Follow-up Assessments...
<p>OR = Odds Ratio; CI = Confidence Interval.</p><p>Statistical test of difference in Odds Ratios by...
<p><i>Note</i>. Raw regression weights are reported with standard errors (in parentheses). Dashes (−...
Age-gap, number of sexual partners, unprotected sex, and STI testing and follow up. Positive values ...
<p>Estimates of condom use effect sizes as a function of moderator dimensions and showing sub-groups...
<p>Percentage and 95% confidence intervals of encounters by sex and problem managed (April 2006–Marc...
*<p>Covariate varied within studies (as well as between studies).</p>**<p>Number of scenarios (N<sub...
<p>Notes: The figures report the percentage of subjects favoring either payments for organs or legal...
that health behavior change progresses in stages, is often used to explore health risk behaviors and...
<p><b>A</b>) Sensitivity of model-predicted intervention effectiveness to antiretroviral therapy (AR...
Unadjusted percent and adjusted odds ratio with corresponding 95% confidence interval predicting HIV...
<p><b>Note</b>:</p><p>** Significant at <i>p</i> ≤ 0.01</p><p>Predictors of perceived sexual risk de...
<p>RR: risk ratio; PEP: Post-exposure prophylaxis; STD: sexually transmitted disease; SBIRT: screeni...
This meta-analysis is the first to evaluate the predictive properties of dynamic sex offender risk a...
<p>NR: Non-regular.</p><p>Ref: The reference group for the Odds Ratio calculation.</p><p>*Variable i...