<p>(A) and (D): The genomic profile of genes displayed in UCSC (hg19), the genomic locus of target regions in ChIP assay (black block on the gene schematic) and the CpG island (green block underneath the gene schematic) assayed by the MASSARRAY platform are shown. The capital letter beside the block indicates the corresponding panel below. The number beside the block indicates the genomic location that was targeted. In the ChIP assay results (B and E), the enrichment in the y-axis represents the relative enrichment fold in which the higher enrichment in case or in control is designated as 1. C) and F) indicate the DNA methylation level. Notably, in F, the DNA methylation status of <i>KvDMR1</i> is shown.*: <i>P</i><0.05; **: <i>P</i><0.01 (...