<p>Residual standard error: 0.8892, d.f. = 679 (6 observations deleted due to missingness), multiple r<sup>2</sup> = 0.3191, adjusted r<sup>2</sup> = 0.309, F<sub>10,679</sub> = 31.81, p < 0.0001. spMsc: <i>M. schreibersii</i>, spNla: <i>N. lasiopterus</i>, spMmy: <i>M. myotis</i>. AI: aridity index; reproFy (vs. reproFn): reproduction factor, “yes” vs. “no”; bm: body mass; ageJ (vs. ageA): age, juveniles vs. adults; sexm (vs. sexf): sex, males vs. females; reproFy:bm: interaction between reproduction factor (“yes” vs. “no”) and body mass; ageJ:sexm: interaction between age (juveniles vs. adults) and sex (males vs. females); bm:ageJ: interaction between bm and age (juveniles vs. adults).</p><p>*** <i>p</i> < 0.001</p><p>** <i>p</i> < 0.01.<...
<p><sup>a</sup>This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant</p><p>*β coefficients indicate ...
<p>NOTE: Statistics of Likelihood Ratio test compare two models, one with temperature treatment and ...
<p>Coefficients of linear mixed effects models of individuals per phenotype (dependent variable). Th...
<p>A 95-percent pointwise confidence interval is drawn around the estimated effect. A: adults, J: ju...
<p>Note: <i>M. nurag</i>: N = 37, <i>M. jurtina</i>: Austria: N = 33, Sardinia: N = 50; all values m...
<p>A 95-percent pointwise confidence interval is drawn around the estimated effect. A: adults, J: ju...
<p><sup>a</sup> Model based on affinity-predicted bBMI from full adult female sample due to small sa...
<p>(A) Relationship between estimates of <i>B</i> and π<sub>sil</sub> for 100-kb autosomal regions. ...
<p>To allow for a common baseline of comparison between these life history parameters, we reduced pa...
<p>Number of observations: 178. Number of groups (random effect species): 5. AIC = 1331.97, BIC = 13...
<p><sup>a</sup>This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant</p><p>*β coefficients indicate ...
<p>*Gaussian error distributions were modelled for time to maturity, Poisson errors for daily fecund...
<p>Note: Sardinian females: N = 95, <i>M. jurtina</i>: N = 86; all values marked in bold remained si...
<p>Estimated coefficients (β), standard error (SE) and significance (p-value) for the most supported...
<p>Results from linear mixed model analyses of fixed effects on adult weight and proportionate weigh...
<p><sup>a</sup>This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant</p><p>*β coefficients indicate ...
<p>NOTE: Statistics of Likelihood Ratio test compare two models, one with temperature treatment and ...
<p>Coefficients of linear mixed effects models of individuals per phenotype (dependent variable). Th...
<p>A 95-percent pointwise confidence interval is drawn around the estimated effect. A: adults, J: ju...
<p>Note: <i>M. nurag</i>: N = 37, <i>M. jurtina</i>: Austria: N = 33, Sardinia: N = 50; all values m...
<p>A 95-percent pointwise confidence interval is drawn around the estimated effect. A: adults, J: ju...
<p><sup>a</sup> Model based on affinity-predicted bBMI from full adult female sample due to small sa...
<p>(A) Relationship between estimates of <i>B</i> and π<sub>sil</sub> for 100-kb autosomal regions. ...
<p>To allow for a common baseline of comparison between these life history parameters, we reduced pa...
<p>Number of observations: 178. Number of groups (random effect species): 5. AIC = 1331.97, BIC = 13...
<p><sup>a</sup>This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant</p><p>*β coefficients indicate ...
<p>*Gaussian error distributions were modelled for time to maturity, Poisson errors for daily fecund...
<p>Note: Sardinian females: N = 95, <i>M. jurtina</i>: N = 86; all values marked in bold remained si...
<p>Estimated coefficients (β), standard error (SE) and significance (p-value) for the most supported...
<p>Results from linear mixed model analyses of fixed effects on adult weight and proportionate weigh...
<p><sup>a</sup>This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant</p><p>*β coefficients indicate ...
<p>NOTE: Statistics of Likelihood Ratio test compare two models, one with temperature treatment and ...
<p>Coefficients of linear mixed effects models of individuals per phenotype (dependent variable). Th...