<p>Odor condition: Baseline, fast stress, slow stress. Facial expressions that had to be classified: Neutral, happy, fear, disgust. For clarification purposes, the display of mean facial muscle activity on the emotional facial expression classification task was collapsed over the variable noise level (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%). (A) Mean <i>corrugator supercilii</i> activity, averaged over 1 second following the onset of the presented expression. (B) Mean <i>medial frontalis</i> activity, averaged over 1 second following the onset of the presented expression. Error bars reflect 68% within-subjects CI of the main effect of odor.</p
Successful social interaction relies on the accurate decoding of other peoples’ emotional signals, a...
We investigated the effects of odors on appraisal processes and consequent emotional responses. The ...
Although most people can identify facial expressions of emotions well, they still differ in this abi...
<p>(A) Mean reaction time (ms) of facial expression classification (disgust, fear, happy, neutral) p...
In a double-blind experiment, participants were exposed to facial images of anger, disgust, fear, an...
In a double-blind experiment, participants were exposed to facial images of anger, disgust, fear, an...
Research on olfactory stimulation indicates that it can influence human cognition and behavior, as i...
International audiencePleasantness and arousal have been identified as the main dimensions of affect...
Blocking facial mimicry can disrupt recognition of emotion stimuli. Many previous studies have focus...
Disgust is a core emotion evolved to detect and avoid the ingestion of poisonous food as well as the...
Facilitation of emotional face recognition is an established phenomenon for audiovisual crossmodal s...
According to embodied cognition accounts, viewing others’ facial emotion can elicit the respective e...
<p>Successful social interaction relies on the accurate decoding of other peoples’ emotional signals...
International audienceEmbodied theories of emotion assume that emotional processing is grounded in b...
Although most people can identify facial expressions of emotions well, they still differ in this abi...
Successful social interaction relies on the accurate decoding of other peoples’ emotional signals, a...
We investigated the effects of odors on appraisal processes and consequent emotional responses. The ...
Although most people can identify facial expressions of emotions well, they still differ in this abi...
<p>(A) Mean reaction time (ms) of facial expression classification (disgust, fear, happy, neutral) p...
In a double-blind experiment, participants were exposed to facial images of anger, disgust, fear, an...
In a double-blind experiment, participants were exposed to facial images of anger, disgust, fear, an...
Research on olfactory stimulation indicates that it can influence human cognition and behavior, as i...
International audiencePleasantness and arousal have been identified as the main dimensions of affect...
Blocking facial mimicry can disrupt recognition of emotion stimuli. Many previous studies have focus...
Disgust is a core emotion evolved to detect and avoid the ingestion of poisonous food as well as the...
Facilitation of emotional face recognition is an established phenomenon for audiovisual crossmodal s...
According to embodied cognition accounts, viewing others’ facial emotion can elicit the respective e...
<p>Successful social interaction relies on the accurate decoding of other peoples’ emotional signals...
International audienceEmbodied theories of emotion assume that emotional processing is grounded in b...
Although most people can identify facial expressions of emotions well, they still differ in this abi...
Successful social interaction relies on the accurate decoding of other peoples’ emotional signals, a...
We investigated the effects of odors on appraisal processes and consequent emotional responses. The ...
Although most people can identify facial expressions of emotions well, they still differ in this abi...